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Show PERSONAL. <br><br> Wade Hampton wants a reunion of soldiers of the two armies of the late war. <br><br> Kossuth, the Hungarian patriot, supports himself with his pen, at the age of 87 years. <br><br> Martin Luther's last will, written in his own hand, is in the Library at Heidelberg. <br><br> The Rev. Dr. John Hall is said to have received over $10,000 in wedding fees during the past year. <br><br> A granite statue of Alexander Hamilton, eight feet high, is to be placed in Trinity churchyard by his son. <br><br> The house in which Secretary Stanton was born is still standing at Steubenville, Ohio. It was built in 1803. <br><br> Mr. Gladstone is said to represent Christian statesmanship more than any other man in public life in Europe. <br><br> Gen. Grant is said to weigh twenty pounds less than when he gave up malt and spirituous liquors two years ago. <br><br> President McCosh says of evolution that Princeton does "not oppose development, but an atheistical development." <br><br> George William Curtis continues to read a sermon each Sunday in the Unitarian Church, New Brighton, Staten Island. <br><br> The younger men of the Adams family all have a ruddy and energetic look, and all earn their own living - a matter upon which Mr. C.F. Adams, Sr., holds strong opinion. <br><br> A monument is proposed to Samuel Storrs, one of the Pilgrims of the Mayflower. His descendants include President Hayes and all the distinguished ministers, lawyers and judges of the Storrs name. <br><br> The ex-Empress Eugenie intends so to time her visit to Zululand that she may be on the spot where her son met his death on the anniversary of that event, the 1st of June. Sir Evelyn Wood will be the escort of the poor woman. <br><br> The Pacific Railroad monument to Oakes Ames and his brother Oliver will be erected at Sherman, Wyoming Territory, the highest point on the road. It is to be a pryamid [pyramid] of native rock, seventy feet high, and will cost about $20,000. <br><br> Gen. Grant's career illustrates the fact that it is never too late to mend. Up to the beginning of the war what he had accomplished was less than zero, and now he is receiving more honors than any other man in the world. - Versailles (Ky.) [Kentucky] Sun. <br><br> Miss Kate Field brought from Stratford a slip of Shakespear's mulberry tree, which she has presented to New York Central Park Commissioners. It is to be kept in the greenhouse until April, and then planted with proper ceremony - probably upon the poet's birthday. <br><br> Samuel Neat, one of Boston's wealthy young men, has been mulcted $3,000 in a breech of promise suit, and subjected, besides, to the reading in court of his love letters, which were addressed like this : "My own and only precious little sweetheart." "My own dearly beloved loved one." "My beloved one," and "Sweet, precious darling." <br><br> The late Dr. Francis J. Lemoine, the American apostle of cremation, was of French descent, and so ardent an abolitionist in his younger years that he was nominated as vice-president on the ticket with James G. Birney, in 1839. He was also the first abolition candidate for governor in Pennsylvania, and, through the A.M.A. founded a normal school for colored people at Memphis, Tenn., to which he gave $30,000. He was so economical that he burned candles instead of gas, and is said to have piled up $300,000. Though full of eccentricities and whims, the old man was charitable in his way, and had a native shrewdness and acquired funds of information that made him a good companion. - Interior. <br><br> When the Emperor William received news of the attempt on the life of the Czar he became, it is said, very serious, and after remaining silent for some minutes, he said in a tone at once melancholy and energetic "If we do not change the direction of our policy, if we do not think seriously of giving sound instruction to youth, if we do not give the first place to religion, if we only pretend to govern by expedients from day to day, our thrones will be overturned, and society will become a prey to the most terrible events. We have no more time to lose, and it will be a great misfortune if all the Governments do not come to an accord in this salutary work of repression." <br><br> |