Show CONDENSED TELEGRAMS council bluffs has bas a peculiar bi bigamy 0 ailcy case Q the native presbyterians rians q japan have revised the creed prince bismarck was interviewed on oil the american pork question quei tion senator shoup of idaho figured in a romantic incident it at z pittsburg lawrence barretts estate is estimated tiri at floell i to the total shortage of thu the arkansas state trea user is found to be charles 1 L I 1 placer alleged confidence fi operator is ia in the county jil jail LI la grippe is ii epidemic in pitts lurg bur over cabets are arc reported A denver syndicate i figuring on a deal in gintic tintic A it tl OOOO libel suit is said to be on oil the tapis against 0 the provo enquirer new cw york tailors have 0 hit lait upon a novel method of forcing i settlement of old oil accounts the gohei government ill gemans manufactory at quebec is running full time under orders from ottawa the en ca use is not known theodore Theo thomas will probably ile be offered the position of musical director of the worlds fair the omaha onealia Oni alia authorities made a 1 great raid on oil the gamblers anible rs and of them hem slept in jail last night report of the indian government lias has been issued and shows a surplus surp ILIf 1 of rupee A tramp found lead dead in a new york cellar was avi identified as a brother of darnel daniel doughtery 0 tire orator A panic at t a n religious n meeting at springfield ohio was quieted by the choir singing nearer sly aly god to thee tile the hanging of the boy murderer charles miller 11 iller has been postponed postpone from march larch and will probably go over till oct lawrence barratt the tragedian died on tile the at the windsor hotel botel in new newyork york ile he was sick ick buta but a short time and lied died of heart failure by order of the comptroller of tile the currency curr er cythe tile Keys keystone tono national batik bank of philadelphia lias has lee been placed in inthe alie fiands liand of a national hank bank e examiner cami ncr the children of john dean call of springville Spring vIlle la ia were stricken tr icken with willi 1 I lie ile depended on oil the faith cure and refused to admit ad physicians who had been called the children all died all the mines mine biclon ing to the ill Aua anaconda conda company butto lite mont lave have shut down because jc causa of a disagreement between bet Neen the company and the ill montana union railway which wanted to advance rancson rates one third A plan is on foot to place all the debts of the U 1 and connecting roads under miller a i single mort martaa sago c pillon Eil loll confirms the hie report relock tand and it icis is said baid that is n giving liis his time to the scheme the mortgage ge will amount to ip tile the excavations at 1 I ethia b by athe lie american school at athens are arc proving very successful A number of tombs in aliat tat appears to lie ise a city of tombs have been opened some of them show elegant C marble architecture an epitaph mentions the daughter of aristotle Ati considerable uneasiness is felt in english government circles over tile new Found Fouz idland land trouble salisbury is is very rc reticent tient in regard to the ni matter atter the government will probably pause till a delegation dele alioti from new sy Found land has a chance to be licali the national league of musicians nt t milwaukee discus rd cd rei be hearing cihil un oil theodore Thoi Thon nab iab alleged le ed boycott of chicago musicians after a heated the t I 1 if resolutions were withdrawn A resolution was passed to make the low pitch the standard d musical pitch odthe of alie united stat stall an ali cathu bastic meeting eting in of nf excited italians was walt held in ill tile the coopers unions L biou new york on lie both revolutions deploring and denouncing the tragedy t raged so at new kew orleans were pas pushed pastell tell and reparation was demanded of the government codies were 1 I ere ordered ent nt to president hat alar rison and the premier of italy davitt sneers at what he be falls calls parnella Par Parri nells ells bluff lie ife says he be will not be a candidate for 1 v e election in the division divi ion of cork rity city which parnell no now represents eserts ile he davs pays parnell will not resign 17 as he knowe lie would be bi alen if lie came forward for election reelection re ile he thinks the greater 1 renter number of arih h 1 licit in ill E alland 0 ars sir ll 11 against a dinst pir nall silver asi cents per ounce Sec secretary blaine allaine lias has the gout out kit EX senn senator tor allair llla ir accepts tile chinese lili mission ion the NN washington athington 0 national bank of new york liia has fi failed tiled ex president cleveland fenda ff ads a tariff reform letter to an indian club ex congressman addressed dres cd 1 1 I political meeting 5 at worcester alt kiiss queen victoria has gono gone to grasse france where in entire CD tire hotel lias has been rented for her the greatest soap so ip manu of adur atur ing concerti concern in the world has been organized sit at houston texas kimothy Timot liy was mobbed at C ork cork and so severely injured that lie may lose leec his eyesight new orleans ii i i still greatly excited over the promised expose of tire the macii by two members noa in jail the census office has issued an important bulletin on oil the growth of the coal industry during tile la lat last t decade open hostilities are arc looked for to today day lie between tween comptroller oller of connecticut and lcy acting in to governor diio knoof of the new orleans maua leaders are at work in new york stirring up ill the members of the organization in that city A Pen pennsylvania sylvania scientist lias has demonstrated by unique akili eng grafting I 1 experiments ilia eliat t I 1 nans mans primeval color was wag white queen victoria lias has gooe gone to france on oil a visit at gra grasse se the grand hotel lintel lias has been rented fo for her the maximum freight bill which lias has cau caused ed a lead dead lock in the nebraska senate h has as passed and gone to one to t lie go governor vernsia vern sir two hundred chilean rebels by tile the government nt f forces arces were tied together I 1 and shot hot to pieces by artillery and musketry ket ry the AI washington ashington 0 national batik bank otnel ot new york has collapsed its funds having lican seen loaned out lit to irresponsible friends of the president lawrence barretts funeral services bicic conducted at new york yesterday by father thomas aber man iian and were of tile he simplest character A k santa fo fe olli cial residing n at texas said saia there were iero no ladies ladics in in the place and was marched butof n by A remarkable find of till mummies is I 1 reported horn rv egypt r lt the bodies bill being chivily those of priests and members of the royal family buried years ago secretary foster of the treasury ry department announces announced that tile april inciting of the worlds fair commission need not lie bo omitted for pi pecuniary cun iary rea reasons song grand duchess elizabeth granddaughter i of queen victoria actori ic tori a is s said to have licen been maltreated mal treated by her ter hu hul bind mid grand dulic duke of rusia brother of the czar car timothy scaly M I 1 P was mobbed at tile clo sc of a trial in which lie he was interested arld ami P po badly injured that lie will probably pt loose liis his ca eyesight cright the allair in cork tio of new yorks most prominent pastors ire are accused of too I 1 great libra liberality lity of views it is clair claimed lied their influence is pernicious ni premier lias has written a letter to the glasgow chamber of commerce in ill which lit ho says lie is satisfied of the value of city bati between cen israfil null and the united states A lar large c corpora tte town com company lias has lic been ell organized in in ill knoxville Knox vill e tenn for tile your purpose poe of a city on oil the ili hilands of eat east s tennessee several senators are interested in ill thu e enterprise ise A central park elephant pl arc c by forepaugh broke his chain and got on the rampage IN lus has already killed kilic 1 4 eight alit men and bucce succeeded eded in injuring fr his keeper though not seriously parnell mys lie lias u signed 0 his awat in parliament tile resignation having been placed in ill the lland hands of afi a friend to be submitted as 18 soon rul as kiealy resigns which licit ill alir latter rays says lie hc u will ill do at olive tito newfoundland legislature o will v ill make one moro more appio appeal 11 to tile I 1 government and ami if eliat faili they will renounce allegiance to if england and appeal to ill the united d states for protection and admit lion severe storms in montana lias hast suspended the work upon the great northern extension B throwing 2000 men out out of vin A largo number of men started to summit miles further west and ninny many perished from froin cold and exposure anany many others will loose hands or feet ex governor robin on of now york is deal dead Ilar I 1 nells resignation ii lias has been placed in escrow awaiting n Ic alys action at in an engagement near Val pariso 00 i ini argi ants ft em cri taken prisoners tied together ini and shot by tho government 0 V troops A k sale of il 00 woith of beef cattle at per bundled is is re rc froni cheyenne cattle values are arc appreciating n daily three fa banners held the balance of power in ill tile the Mi michigan chivil legisla turo atilt anil tile the ar are c accused of lottering ottering otT of ferill ering each for their votes the carpenters s and builders of chicag 0 have signed lit an agreement fixing the scale of wal wages geson on an eight hour basis the agreement to remain in force two years the grand college of tire alio cosmopolitan mo politan cooks anil and pastry association lias ia just held it its first convention in chicago their object M h the elevation odthe of alic profession gaion the president will vl ill shortly iesue islea a proclamation naming barnin 0 all persons a against a capturing n seal in waters 0 over ver wil which ich the united state G government 01 ern men to elci aises j jurisdiction diction tile the and mccoy families have signed 1 it i treat treaty 0 of peace which will bo be followed by the marriage of it a warrior to n I 1 daughter of ill he house of mccoy and so ends tile filmus feud fells A it now commercial treaty between hawaii antl and the united states has wen drawn up at aarington Wali aa ington hington n and forwarded it to the queen it pio vides I 1 abr or the diee exchange ac of all pio products ducts of both coun countois count rits tris tito five italians alio who escaped the vengeance 3 of the new orleans mois at the parish prison forion indi indicate ente a desire to make complete confession of tile the II ennessy crime tile the mafia ball a number of secret meetings last week word comes from Omalia that C L blazers don carlos lumber COli company pally on which lie he lias has been making to drafts for his silt salt lake friends is a gigantic antic swindle indle and that blazer was wa indicted there for swindling ZD last suin summer itier the convention of colored editors have presented u clites their cae to the hie fresilli pre president 1 t they thel consider their race entitled to nn an and particularly 1 jud ci ship anil and a colored man in the fair commission in ili re response tile president said their wa was no va vacancy calley ill in tile the commission and ami if ill they cy would present the 1111 nuie Ie of proper man the matter would lie be given sc rious consideration |