Show an vo kili irzzo dinner inner the picture shows one ot of the finest shire stallions of the time lie ile wits the winner of the prizes at english lish faim fail sin ill ISOO 1890 it I 1 is the ern era of specializing and ami differ iliff cr tion an aal 1 we bee lei acie e ah hat t breeding ln 0 lot 41 1 I 1 T tj itil D locse tor for weight bono ani 1 muscle in ill borse flesh through generations genc rations liis has produce tL it is a arity of the shire and clyde horbe that tho the legs are covered to 1 a I cou sid erable distance front from the feet upward with long loii hairs tile the animals are called in ili couse querico feather legged les seil in ili tile buo sticking king dapple bay us ili the white fluffy hairs about the feet look like bunches of dommy fen len theis |