Show DANIEL II 11 WELLS thou thousands bands throughout utah and the west will mourn morn today to day because of the death of president daniel H wells ile has been identified with the mormon church from the be beginning inning and conic como to utah 0 among the first settlers ilis face and voice were familiar to thousands and to know him bini was kraii to love him in many respects brother wells was a wonderful man in ill his nature were combined intense earnestness and daout den out humility almost child like ile he was intrepid as a lion in denouncing noun cing and opposing ing evil but tractable and easily influenced by the priesthood in whom he be had confidence but always showing in all lie he did the individuality for which lie he was conspicuous living r as lie he has lone done for so many years in the focused light 0 of public opinion it would be small wonder if he did not find bome to traduce and vilify his character but it is also a proof of the nobility of his life when it was known that lie was grandly triumphant over the buzzing crowd that would injure him daniel if wells has bas acon conspicuous in important events and places in the church the municipal government of salt lake city and the territory lie ile was a member of the legislative council of the provisional state of deseret superintendent of public works second councilor to tile tinclee apostles lieutenant general of the utah militia president of the european mission from usg 1 5 mayor glavor of salt lake city averal cv eral times and president of the manti temple daniel 11 II wells was born in trenton oneida oncida co new york october I 1 7 ath 1811 1814 1 his father daniel Jani cl served in the war of aud and his mother catherine ch chapin apin was the dau daughter ahter of david chapin who served in in the revolution ilis his father died when daniel 11 II was but twelve years old when lie was eighteen his mother and family moved to ohio in 1832 lie settled in ill nauvoo au before lie was twenty one lie he was elected constable and afterward justice of tile peace in 1830 1839 lie became acquainted quain ted with the cormons mormons Mor Morn mons ions and they fled from Mis missouri couri lie was the f first to give them succor f after nauvoo received her charter president wells was elected alderman man and member of tho the city council one of the re regents 0 of the university and commissary general on oil the staff of major in general with therann the rank of bri brigadier adier engral general en cral after the exodus exodus Of of the main lo 10 body of tile the church and at tile time the mob was gathering lie became a member of the church six weeks later lie took part in the famous battle of nauvoo and during the three days of tile tho battle wa was q a conspicuous con figure on his big white horse 13 going going in hither and thither directing direction 0 and encouraging ing the alic men A volume might be written of daniel II if wells lias has lone done and said eaid that is good and groat great the future will value hini him as the present cannot great characters like great ecat mountains must ix bo seen from froia a distance to be appreciated the life and labors of this man mall roof re of value to the whole world and will trill in future be so considered but ti no one will tile the sound of hi liia name bring such thoughts thought 9 and his example such puch value as to the people for whom and among in whom lie labored peace to liis his ashus asbe |