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Show PJiPSS' SBBflSjBJVyjBjpjpj K TSW1 H V , r I .jjFICIAL LlSTOF ' C 4NDIDATES I I OF UTAH COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH, n m For the Ge"eral Election, Tuesday, November 8. 1 898. Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Utah at Ssction 830. fl I BEMOCRflTIG PARTY TICKET. BtMICHTO. J PEOPLE'S PARTY TICKET. . Jmm. I !fk'' I Bor Representative 56th Con- Ebr Representative 56th Con- For Representative 56th Con-I For Representative 56th Con- J For Representative 5GU1 Con-j press of the United States. grcss of the United States, grcss of the United States, gress of the United States. grcss of the United States, HRIGHAM H. ROBERTS. ALMA ELDRE'DGE. WARREN FOSTER. ' ! B. H. ROBERTS. .. H Hr ludtre Supreme Court State For Judge Supreme Court State For Judge Supreme Coutt State For.Judge Supreme Court State For Judge Supreme Court State of Utah, olUtah, of Utah, of Utah. of Utah, M I ROBERT N. BASKIN. CHARLES S. ZANE. JOHN M. BOWMAN. R. N. BASK IN. . H "ForTtate Senators Seventh For State Senators Seventh For State Senators Scyentli For State Senators Seventh For State Senators Seventh ' District. District, District, District, District, ' 'M A. O. SMOOT. " - SAMUEL S. JONES. - - - B ABEL JOHN EVANS. A. B. WALKER. ' I For State Representatives For State Representatives 1 For Stale Representatives Ifr tatc llcPr.csc,ntativcs For State Representatives Eleventh District, Eleventh District Eleventh District, Eleventh District, Eleventh District, lM MARINUS LARSEN. JOSEPH E. PAGE. J - V..T ..... ... 'M B JOSEPH LAP1SH. HENRY GARDINER.; - - ' ' " I JOHN E. BETTS. MARY V. HALL. j ' , . I B WILLIAM M. ROY.lAnCE. M.N.AMBROSE. ' B Knr rnni fmkinnpr, TZ " Vor County 'Commissioners, For County Commissioners, For County Commissioners, H B I'or County Commissioners, por County Commissioners, 1 III A. M. DAVIS. WILLrAM D. ROBINSON. ,,',;;-,... . ( ;..... jH B JOSEPH T. McEWAN. RUFUS P. SNELL. " $T'.. fil , 1 fl Bt " j . f.lt((.MyttMtt- MHHHMHIIIimHIHHIHHmWHImNNHIIHM I 1 1 WMtlHHItHHHmwllmilIHlWM WWHHHWIHHMWHIBMH. - ."-ifi ..;- ijl t iH B WILLIAM B. HUGHES. CLAUS O. BAIIR. , ' ''I ' ifl Z " n, , ZT, I For County Clerk, ' For County Clerk, For County Clerk, H H l-or County Clerk, h For County Clerk, II fl GEORGE HAVERCAMP.. JOHN D. DIXON. m J. 1 H !, I For County Sheriff, I For County ShcrifT ' J For County Shcrifl, H l-or County Sheriff, i For County Sheriff, If '1 GEORGE. A. STORRS. CHARLES H. KARREN. ' ' . B B 7- 7- , "" ' ; ' For County Recorder, " For County Recorder, I For County Recorder, - H H 1 or County Recorder, For County Recorder. ' MAY BROWN SPENCER'. ! GLADYS COOMBS SHORES. ,; B rivTr TTH "' ! 7- 7 TTTZ Er County Attorney, For County Attorney, For County Attorney, B H I or County Attorney, For County Attorney. " J' ;jH JACOB EVANS. CHARLES DeMOISY. j :H B Eor County Assessor, ' For County Assessor, For County Assessor, For County Assessor, For County Assessor, H ROYAL T. IIUISH. . JAMES WHITEHEAD, Jr. . H i T 1 T For County Treasurer, For Countv Treasurer, 1 For County Treasurer, H I'Or County Tceasurerj . For County T reasurer, 3 ' ; ' OTTO F. MALMBERG. I OLE ELLINGSON, Jr. -i ' ( A - - -- ; 1 - For County Surveyor, , l?or County Surveyor, For County Surveyor, H ror County Surveyor, For County Surveyor, . ANDREW ADAMSON. j . CALEIJ TANNER, ' - m ; I ' " I 'I - . ; ; 1 "For the ampiiflmi'nt- t" "or. JJ "For the amendment to-c- g "For the amendment, to be g g "For the amendment to sec- g "For the amendment to sec- B Bljon ten of article seven of the 8 tion 6, article 10 of the Consti- D known as section thirty-two.arti- B Ition nine, article eight of the tion three, article thirteen of the 'H Bponstitution." 8 tution." B Icle six of the Constitution." I Constitution." Constitution." H "Against the .amendment to sec- "Against the amendment to 1 "Against the amendment to be B "Against the amendment to "Against the amendment to Bjion ten of article seven of the B section 6, article io, of the Con- g Iknown as section thirty-two.arti- 6 section nine, article eight of the section three, article thirteen of Tm Constitution." B stitution." 1 clc six of the Constitution." g Constitution." the Constitution." I "TrECINCT NOMINATIONS IN UTAH COUNTY. I PeteKsion H.mood. Rep. Pmm BenP ' Wfe Wcm S"LV M John V. ChiPma.rDem. Goshen Precinct: D. T. Fowler, Dcm. John S. Park, 0cm. Frank Tucker, Rep. Neils 1 rederickson, Dem. ) John McNiell. Rep. T PorjurticeofthePwce. Albert Wall, Rep. F. F, Carter, Rep. Ole Soren, Rep. JH lVrConsuwe F James Gardner. Dem. . r Foronnabie. Spanish Fork Precinct: I'orConuabie. George H Wphh nnm por con.tabie. Maplcton Prccmct: Charles E. Crandall, Dem. 'r jiutice oi ;iiierce. Win, II. Gardner, Dem. F.ft.rLZ C ;!t:."DSm loK'rKBS,, M. E, Kartchner, Uep. fA - HH Rp. njan"Plfec: S4LetHh"pca, John R. Bromley, Rep. Pleasant Grove Precinct: I'orcon.tabie ' Santaquiti Precinct: i Qiiiflr Qj" Justice of the FcacC t Tolin Nnrtall Ir Dem. J'or Con.ULle, J'orIut!ccof the 1-eace. ReCS D. James, Dem. I'or Ju.tlcc of the Peace. H b,,adrach M. Richardson, Dem. L. John Kni.'bC' Lafayette Johnson, Dcm. Alfred W. Harper, Dem. Frederick Matley, Rep. Edward Bennett, Dem. Isaac IS Sherd". Dem Geo, C. Scbtt, Jr., Dem. Daniel W. Snow. Rep. Robert E. Collett, Rep. n ' ' . ircoi..uwe. iH Corh. P? i V r ci i'or conubie, Springrille Precinct: : Joseph I. Chatwin, Dem. h caur hart Precinct: Lake Shore l recmni, Pavaon Precinct: Ezra F Walker. Dem. i'or iutice of the reace. B 1'orju.t.ce of the Peace. For Ju.tlce of the Peace. 7 "Sr oTtlie Peace. luLnn wZr Ren Nephl II. Packard, Dem. Wf,-, Tntn. H B JOSCplPoS S Dem' . j0SCphro 03. Thomas' H. Wilson, Dem. I on Walker Rep. D ""gtftfL I W'" ; Job Measom, Dem. Frank Rep . c j. Charles-C Craig, Dem. B """""ZSiSEStfiL, LchlPrjo o,e Peace. . Thomas C.oward, Dem. V'RcT' John CrandaU, Rep. Warren Holdaway,,Dem. S. Moyle, Fusion. 1 Robert Gilchrist, Dem. Joseph Wightman, Rep. b.-K. King, Kip. - IH tate of IlrTH j I Georee Havercamp County Clerk of Utah County, State of Utah, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is true and correct list of the names of Candidates to be voted for nt the nty of Utih. SS General Election in and for Utah County, Utah, on November 8th, A D. ,898, between the hours of 7 rdjr' of sa,d . H AL In witness whereof, I have hereunto affixed the seal of my office at Provo City, Utah, this 26th day of October A. D. .898. H B vLLB bLK flLB BB fli iai JiH iiiBBBLjLlLibb--ifciiiiiii 7 |