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Show IlimHTCrX Tim Utah Coontv Dm-fiiUrlN Dm-fiiUrlN I rll ociiat wlintH iiRent nntl 111 In 1 Ll BolltllorH In I'rovo mid ' t-vcry city nnd town In Utnh county. Llliorol commission nllowcd on nil nuln'B. Wo ((hull nmo l.o plenscd to rr- ' iolVH communications ns to local ImppcnlKRc brlntorpat. An noon n posslbln our tnnnnRcr Vrlll iiiftlio illffiircnt precinct of tho counM with a viow of upourlnc correspondents nnd ABflntK. Aildri-nn nil rommunlcnUons to ' ' TllH UTAH COUNTY DBMOO tAT. J'rovp City. Utah, nrr MTr The follnwltiK are author-Tllr author-Tllr IM I Uod by tho iniinR0.ncnt J lJLn 1 Ot of Tim Utah county ' " v ' ' ukmociiat to receive orders or-ders for nutcrlptlon ond nil other business nnd to collect nlney on nil accounts: Arnoricnn Fork Ebonezcr ANNO UNpEMENT. Wron Wllklns of Provo Una been np-polntoil np-polntoil goifcral agent of Tun Utah Countv Dhmochat nnd will In the next ffcw days oall upon tlio pcoplo of this city find county. He Is authorized 'to recclvo subscription, advertising orders nnd to collnot lnonoy on same. Bemembcr that Tub Dkmochat Is hero to stny. , Ollklal NoUcc,; Al) county warrants can now ho dished nt; tho treanirtjr'8 oHee. (This, does not IncUidu green waiTnutijtlmwn, by cpunty itudlttir for erlmtiiul' Jury nl witness fees.) TCrxKN Jakkman, ' Coupty Trciwurer. ! .Provo,No,Vj,4, lfHTC, ffoif . " n e r . RELIGipUS ANNOUNCEMENTS ' T - - i LATTUlt-DAY SAINTS. ( Tohernaplc Corner of j nnd Sixth ( streets. Sundiiy sorvloea at 2 p.m. Stake presidency, Edward Partridge, D. John ami Reed Smoot. First -vnrd K street, bewcon fourth nnd Fifth strcots". Sunday evening services at 7:30. Bishop, A. Knudson. Second ward Corner of Faur'th an.l D streets. Sunday services nt 7:30 p.m.. Bishop, Simon P. Eggertsen. Third ward Corner of K and Eighth streets. Sunday stirvlcos at 7:80 p.m. Bishop, W. J. Lewis. Fourth ward Nlnll) street, between" J and K streets. Sunday services at 7:30 p. in. Bfshop. J. H. Koelor. M. k. ciiuuoii. H street, between Sixth and Seventh. Sunday servecos at it n m. und 7:30 p.m. Pastor, Hev. .1. E. Klrbyo. CONaUEOATIONAI. CHUItCH. J Btf'Pt, corner of Tenth. Sunday services 11 a.m. ami 7:30 PiW. Pusloi,' Rev. Goodwin. ItAITIST CHURCH. K strcot. between Eighth and NJnth. Sunday School, 10 a.m.; preaching, 11 a.m.; B. Y. P. U. meeting, 0:40 p.m.: lecture, 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting Vedncsdjy evening nt 7:30. I ' SpiESTISTS. There will bo Christian Science sor? vice In tho rooms of Sorosls next Sunday. Sun-day. Sunday school at 10:00 a.m. Chinch sorvlca nt 11:00 a.m.; subj'.-ct, "Mortals and Immortals." Evening serrleo begins at 7:30. Subject, Sub-ject, I'llezuklah Restores tho Feast of Unleavcnrd Broad." Wednesdny evening mooting begins at 7:30. A cordlul welcotuo to nil. 1 , . Clioiip Rites to Salt Lake. For tho First Annual Stindny School convention of tho Mormon Church nt Suit Lako City November 27th, 28th and 20th, tho R, G. W. will sell tickets to Salt Lako and return at rate of oun single faro for the round trip (41.00 from Provo). Selling dates November 20th nnd 27th limited to December 1st. Four lust trains each way daily. F. Kout., Agent. OUR TEA AND COFFEE tell tho talo of their goodness In un-mistaknblo un-mistaknblo hinguilge. Thoso who ap-preelato ap-preelato tho luxilry of a good cup of either bovornsro can gratify their tjisto by purchasing our best tea nt 40o. and out- best cqlToo nt 40c. Thoso nro from tho choicest selections of tho best crops nnd nro unrivalled for strength nhit dcllenoy of flavor. your grocery hill will bo ton por coptless if yoq trade here. 1 GEO E. HOVVE, Grocer. . 28 Center St., Provo. oBhonoiiiA. 'II 'O 7. jo tniop A"ioitip;uuiui piu.C pun oajno i I COATll DIAMOND -e Sond your orders to J. J. Pctors, Agent. Telephono No, 12. GEO. vy. JONES. Ticket Broker No, 10 West Second South, Salt Lako City, and 302 25th St., Ogdon, Utah. Will give you Reduced Rates to all points EAST, WEST,' NORTH, SOUTH, msgago checked; berths secured; iicm tlpkots futnlahetl at reduced rates. AYBITB P011 BATES, i 3 to 1 The chances nro threo to ono in your favor if you get us to repair your windows, tXTTj4 mensurotho VV XL opening KJV furrtl.li VV j the glnss WE glazing ' ' you sir."0 Snow & Young. City ( Transfor gS EVERYTH I NG I Makes a Specialty of Household Goods, Pianos, etc. Delivers COAL to nny part of the City. My motto: PROMPTNESS! HE3E3EfflfflBE53KSSH GEORGE WHEABLE, Prop'r. Ofkick: Provo Nnrdw. & Iron Co. . . , ) HEADQUARTERS:::::: ) II Bread, Cakes, I I Candy, and ( (( Wedding Cakes. (( PROVO CITY BAKERY. 'i .. 1,111 EVERYTHING IN BAKERY LINE. V WE KEEP EVERYTyiNQ WE ADVERTISE. F. D. KELLY, Prop'r. ii ii ii ii n ii ii ii ii imT ii ii n ii ii n ii ti ii ii ' S3 S3 E Lambert's E E :: Blueing E E :. Academy. Z Tho past week several social " dances wero given by Mr. R. a lay Lambert In Snuih worth's a Hall. (Now known us Lam- " bert's dancing academy.) Tho 53 crowds wero not Inrge, but till a prccnt had n very nice time. A soclnl will bo glvon Wed- nesdiiy, the Oih, at which 3cv- a oral now dancos will Intro- " duced, ns well ns prize wultz- 3 " lug contest. A social will also bo chen on Friday, uveninif fpr Acad- a a einv si mien tH mid frionds. . a On Saturday a freo matlneo a a will ho given chlldroh under " 8 years of ago; all over will bo a a charged 2fc. . B a a ii ii ii ii ii ii it ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii iTuT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PROVO. "Gcn.ral Baiiking Bnsinoss Transactcfl. DIRECTORS: V II. Piko ..Prcsldonl S. S. Junes Vice-President J. O. Graham, Geo. Tuvlor, Joseph F. Smith, E. Shoot's, , D. A. Swap." D. A. SWAN, Cashier., i Snfoty deposit boxes for ront from $3 per annum and upwards. PROVO COMMERCIAL and Savings Banl. PROVO CITY, UTAH. Capital, $75(p, Sarplast $10,000, DIRECTORS Heed Sinoot, Prpsldent. C, h. Looso. . , . , Vlcit-Presldont. John Jonos, Jnme A Boan, Uogor Farrer, L. S. 11,1118, John It. Twolyea. '' JOS. T FARRER, CASHIER, Goncrnl banking biirtlnoss transacted. Safe deposit boxes fur rent. Q U y ,, I what kind of cooM fSS Wl yo ro going to uso ,rW H lUiS '1 KANGB? ItUthe noaUst cwB VKltaS l,t'8t Ri,nRC 0,1 thfiD,i,tk M ..yS-'.'i 1---vfl lhcm "Ko from 825 tJ vfflT VOry 0U 19 Unt"toK5S g l P VPr'V Wfty llD0 01 jfll pSl,. f complete and you can notj Do not fall to see our HoB IMPERIAL RANGE. OEM bqforo b.iyng a Hei'jH . the warmest thing lliatcrcrkH md will save ONE-HALF your fuel. Wo nover lenvo tho store andtttjH ondy to attend your wauls for anything in hardware. H PROVO HARDWARE & IRON GOjJ Ui'jY markot In tho lnlorcstoTWwB WwSwMwM&. 01 guoh a h,sh kra,l tbk " A S-lil??5 u your 08tIlunllon oa ibearH 'mlHpW l,,,y' 01 1,10 flrsfc cold mm your bin. 'Wo will serve you tymnv." -r-.c-n. uml nt prices as low as the loiM SBIOOT & SSFAFFOE3,Bj, ilgcnB TELKriioNJ! No. 17. City Olllce: Provo Commercial &Sat!tH THE MAINE, I 20AV. Center St., Provo. H D. SUTTON, Proprietor. I Finest line of Wines, Liquors and Cigars in CentnH Courteous treatment for all. . H Ajfev Book-Bi fK Papor-Iiijl TMf?. Wfl Improved nuicblnei'H VmMmiMnl workmen employed. WSlW&&$&i W llrst-elass work tuMH TP3"5S Jjv establishment. 0uiH ttX&2gy$&&&& L Corporation work rCTTSi? 5C3i Helled. McrclianUBM JBmAi' Wl Lawyers will fled uiH WiirSf nil tho high-class wB Iga. So'&SursJisfsB The Sltelton Pub. & Stationerl PROVO CITY, UTAH. M E. J, WARD & SOI LUMBER YARD ARD PLANING I All kinds of COAlj Telephone 32. Provo, Ut, '. John A. Lewis' Lively Stable. I Best Accprnmodations for Travel ng Men. B Give me a call when you want a first-classrB W want you I to come and see our beautiful stock of r,n!B pets, Wall-paper, Linoleums, Window Sna Curtains, Pianos, Organs,, Guitars, ctc'j-tH Glassware and Jewelry Steel Ranges, sjm Stove Furniture. The largest line of yjm earned by any house in the West, at prlcejB be sure to please you. H OUR NEW CARPETS ARE BEAUTIES, - H PRICES WAV DOWN. Our entire stock of Wall Paper will b?.ao!jB rifice to make ro,oin for n?w stock, CP'B we never sleep. mm TAYLOR BROS. CO. V Ceritey f outer St., PAOYO;Drancll "otisc, EURKKA, W A m |