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Show HERE TO STY, During tho campaign Just onded n report has been widely clrcUlntcd and to a largo extent, wo fear, believed that with the closo of tho campaign tho life of The Utah County Demoouat also would close. Thu campaign hns now ended, hut The Utah County Ukmociiat Ukmo-ciiat still lives. Whllo wo fought for thp Dotnocrntio pnrly during this campaign, cam-paign, whllo wo did our best for tho snko of tho party which wo bcllevo represents tho cause of the people, the success of that political party is not and has not been our prlmo object. Our design Is to bo n paper of tho people, a paper which Minll nt nil limes devote its best npd strongest elTofts to the Interests of to people of I'rovo and of Utah county. We ask you for your support. Wo bellovo that wo can render good sorvlco to the people of this community. Wo bolevo that such a newspaper ns vq shall conduct will bo to he benefit of the county and all tho Interacts of tho people hero. Agiln wo deslro to sny to tho people of Provo City ant of Utah county that wo aro iinitu to Stay, and that we shall always attempt to give tho peo-plp peo-plp a live, representative county p iper. |