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Show f INFORMATION ON POSTAL MATTERS. . Tihc Mail arrives at Bloomington p0st Office, from the .North, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 12.TO, departs i'or the South, same days and time. Arrives from the South, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at ii :30 a. m. and departs for the North, same days and time. Mails close, for both ways, at ii a. m. j t Mail matter for "Pi ice" and "Atkinvillc," Wash- 'Jto ington County, should be addressed to liloomington V Post Office, i " All mail matter should be addressed plainly, giy ing name, town, county and state, in full. Begin i , the name in the centre of tho envelope, not at the top. ; rS X .Place your own name and address on under lett- ! . hand corner and the Btamp on the upper right-hand . 'corner. Avoid thin envelopes as they often wear out before be-fore arriving- at their destination. . ' Always Register valuable mail matter, which costs ten cents besides the regular postage. When dropping- mail into the mailing box, see J that it enters the box and not lodge in the entrance. I , When placing stamps on envelops or other mail I li matter, do not lick the mucilage oft the stamps, but I moisten the corner of the envelope or parcel,' where I II ' . you wish to place the stamps), sufficiently, so the if stamps will adhere thereto. i mn 4 Postmasters are required to sell stamps, cards, &c, yjj .exclusively for Cash, and must not give credit for II Postage. jl' . Packages of domestic mail matter of the first and W "' second class which are addressed to places not post M offices, or to States in which there is no such post . office as that indicated in the address, are called J "nixes,'' and are unniailable. Letters of this kind if should be returned to the sender for better direction. , when he is known by the card or return request on 1 :the envelope or otherwise; if the sender is not A 'known the matter is to be sent to the Dead Letter Office, Washington, D. C. ! . ft KTotices. 1 ORANGE JUDD, who has long been well known m . -to all Farmers, and multitudes of others in the Uni- L ited States, and even throughout the world, is now, -with his SONS, Editing aud Publishing the Wcek- . W ly Prairie Farmer, in Chicago, 111., one of the oldest jjtt and now one of the best Rural and Family Publica- lionsin America. All his Old Readers, and others, vjH arc invited to send to him for a Free Specimen Copy J ML of the paper. IM The Exploits of Buffalo Bill. WW The adventures of Buffalo Bill, by flood and field, Wm would fill volumes. He has hunted with Prince WM Alexis, of Russia, Scouted with General Custer, has tbeen the comrade of General Phil Sheridan in many jft-- -an exciting hunt; and hundreds of the most ex-peri W fenced sportsmen of the East have gone to the Wild jfl West on his invitation, to hunt the buffalo and the bear on the boundless prairie, and there study the Wm habits of the uncivilized red men, and their modes of combat. Some of the thrilling adventures of the great American Scout have been connected in the 4H form of a story, by Hon. Wm. F. Cody's old com- mk j rade, Ned Buntijne, and the pubication of the ex- H" i J citing narrative is just commenced in No. 47 of tne j New York Weekly, under the title of "Buffalo mt . Bill's Best Shot ; or the Heart of Spotted Tail." Buffalo Bill's old pards, Texas Jack and Dave .H Estes, the noted Scouts, also figure in this fascinat mt ing story, which possesses the breezy flavor of the H plains, and is filled with the most vivacious descrip- n? - tions of real life in the West. flr We call attcntiou of our readers to an advertise nient of the Chicago Cottage Organ Company in jBr another column, and we take pleasure in reconi mending to the general public, a company whose Mt Organs have attained p popular reputation for their H superior musical .qualities, artistic ocauty and gen- eral excellence. IThis company ranks among the mWl largest and best in the United States, having a ca- jH " pacity for manufacturing Soo Organs per month, W and its organs are shipped into nearly every inhab- itable portion of the globe. The member composing mW (( the firm of the Chicago Cottage Organ Company Mm,- - are men of experience, integrity, skilled mjtheir line tm'i conduct their business on an equitable basis, and 'Mw 'their future is destined to be a bright one. Hhif A Father can jrive his son no better present than 0 H years Subscript)! fo the SCIENTIFIC AMK1U- mW CAN. Its contents will lead the young mind in the path of thought, and if he treads there a while, he'll H forget frivotics and be of some account, and if he L 'has an inveijrtive or mechanical turn of mind, this p.i- vv per will qfford him more entertainment, than he can -v obtain jpJsewhere. Copies of this paper may be seen jR W NatjWS office and subscriptions received. Price, $3 a. year, weekly, or S3-30 3 car, with The Union. mW We acknowledge, with pleasure, being the recip- ients of D. M. Ferry & Co's Seed Annual for 1807. mm It is gotten up in a tasteful manner, and gives much in a little for farmers, gardeners &c. to select from, t they always having a large and cwnple stock on Jiand. mm mmM Messrs Lord and' Thomas, of Chicago, 111., the well known advertising adver-tising Agents, now occupy the entire en-tire third floor of No. 45, 47 and 49 Bahdolph St., between State and Wabash Avenue, giving them an area of nearly 12,000 square feet of floor room. This room is beautifully beauti-fully lighted and is unbroken by partitions, save a private office in one corner, thus bringing the entire en-tire working force of about sixty clerks into one spacious room. Our friends who wish to see a copy of our paper when in Chicago, can always find it on file at the agency of Messrs Lord & Thomas. " tin j ; "WANTED, Copies of the Agricultural Beport, for the following years, 1865, 1874 and 1878, to complete the file for our Library. Any person having copies of the above books for these years, to dispose of, will oblige by communicating the facts to The Union, Bloomington, Utah. JJ5P""When writing to our Advertisers please snv you saw advertisement in The Bloomington, Utnh Union.iga WORK SHOPS WITHOUT STEAM. POWER WffiS BY USING OUTFITS OP JMlM 1 BARNES' PATENT FOOT POWER TOiS machinery can compete with wjfa-sS?ifoJE8& steam power, sold on trial, 'mmmu i Metal and woodworkers send for .POwITnTW prices. Illustr'd catalogue freo. M W. F. & JNO. BARNES CO., 51. t FiOCKFORD, LL. mjM dddress No. 46 Ruby St. 'ntjjp j JS Olff5 ? Tliy '.ni'-s is Si : anil tftiin-oroil.and a g r3 tP K :'j t':isu:i -.1 tr lo-.-tr willl il.roc boils.' U H y v ; Ciu ilv t.ikcn oiT sh""n"i. ' H f XgS j T;:e 1. iK,'tli nf cut h rcp't'.-.tnil 1 ' ! JrsS!U"' '"''c ,,,-s lftv"r rai- 1 . li''-' ajjKSLf lu'lT' r it v ,U r nt. A'l n;.- wi-st-i ri'd loi FERRY'S SEEDS woo -k?5W D. FEHKY ik 0O W g"5 aril admitted to bo t)i6 WMm OSpSX larqest seedsmeh MM ,gofls' WXVVVv'-lJ in the world. mm muxxxw D.M. FERRY ft CO'S IUuMrr.(ci;, lies-Flower lies-Flower SUKlisVt on Id send for it. Address M D. M. FERRY &. G9. . . Detroit, Mich. li j i B IILw I LlW W HrWm Alter Forty yeara MmM 'JiO51SwffaiW cxporionco in tho tuft iri'"",r M iis3 preparation of mora Mi ffH g-x"Kt-K"J,a:d iian Ono Hundred l Fi ThouHand applications for pr.tonts in WMm A R5 83 ho United Slnten and Forewjn conn- IM&Kf 1J, tho publishers of tho boipnlifio MWrn JSm V Ainoricim continuo to not a3 Gohcitora fiLtud t? im- putouts, K.avPT.ta.trndo-marka, copy- mmm aanmse VighU, oto., for tho United States, and U to obtain patents in Ounadn, England,, iranco, JmMl Germany, und all othor countrioH. rhoirospon- mmm onco U unequaled and their faoiliues aro tmsur- mm V DrawinRS and ppecifications prepared and filod in the Patont Oftico on short notice.. Terms very mmm reaaonablo. Ko chargo for examination of modola or drawings. Advico by mail freq. rntents ohtaim-d thronph MunnAOo.uronoticoa WMm i n the Sn EITIWJLC A3JD3RICAH, .winch has Lho i ;-.Tp(!..t circulation and ia tho most inlluontml mnm i';w.-jpatJiT of ita kind published m tho yorld. .mmm Tho advuiiuces of ouch a notice ovcry patentoa mmm undoratr.ud.. L , ThiK lnvpit tvnd pplondidly lUufitrntcd vio?rspapQr i ubli.- hod W KK"Iv.IjY at 553.00 a year, and ia 'Mml , arti7iitto(i to bo the bust papnr dovotad to science, "ImM ' mechanics, invontions, eijinoorinK works, and mm ' other dDpartmemn oi industrial prore.ss. pub- .MJ ' .'1 hi any country. Jt. contains thn names of mmt nM watontoo3 andfcitlo of even invention patonteu Mm ! niu''i Avtc!:. Try i' tour months; for ono dollar. mM boM 1 ' )H ncwadoilors. iH if hnv im invention to ps.lmr. wnto to mm M.kim ( o., 7iiiii -l)c'-s of SciontiUo American, -Mmm Jijl Hi . ''.'v "N "i i-l m fmM (i;i:,:i' itxc.ir. i:aonts maileo rroe. rfpilS; SB REVAK H I l fk-aii i;:h! l).'ii; a.-C.vi.in or I'WffliteiA -Sped hi one dry u- u- intent 7lWlSW0(i MONARCH Ore; a and si Plil ;il'!l3' ftt'navatx-r ..i liap:- Mill I'! 'ii i jrcr.wiiirli vc.i'. rt"t! i'pub- llfW ik-m-, alovpric -:wl for WfCiiir circTilar :ml jiico list, MmM - YO itt m ewa r k iwr.r;'f ' CO., "-UB "Cc. ITtnar.;. Cluo, j. S. A. l And will completely change the blood in the entire system in threo months. Any person who wUl takt . pTlL H EACH NIGI1T PROM ONE TO TWELVE WEEKS, niflyborestored to Boundhenlth. if such a thin i -ii)lo. AWM ( For ctinnjf Female OomplaintB these Pills have no equal. Phyniciann use thorn in tlv ir prnctice. Sold evtrj where. Wmm JJorsenJiymaUr26entB in stamps. Send for pamphlet. I. S. JOHNSON 6s CO., 33oBtou,MaBi). Ft nit 0 sr wchhond mz I I am I I i H Kb Purples and "Quaker Styles" perfectly fnstand reliable. LllUILw FOR SALE BY ALL DRY GOODS DEALERS. H IMPORTANT REDUCTION !N THE PRICEOF Ono Ounce battlfisrcnuced from 15 cts.io lOcenta 11! '''''!7Bt:rn7J Two Ounce bottles reduced from 25 cts. to 1 5 cents mm w M Mk w& wFrM I Bkw WzT Five Ounce bottles reducedtrem 50 cts. to 25 cents Iff JEA 3 B 8 11 The public must not accept any but original goods mg MgP HHi H B I H bottled by ub, as the imitations nre worthless. 3m "lGhBS8broughHanufaoturingGo.,HewYorfc, B UllfP 91 1"1 S (Ph I l.lf A" English Veterinary Burgeon and Chemist, now H ftfl A jf , KI S my traveling in this country, says that moat of tho ?mm nUllll P Hplllm 1 Em W Horse and Cnttlo 1'owders sold here aro worth- 1mm 1W1H1L lllwilwU LK trtXBh. ile miya that Sheridan's Condition M w ibh m n hh w m Vowdors are absolutely pure and immcnselv mm valunble. Is'othirivy on earth will make hens lay like Shoridan'.s Condition Powders. Dose, I tcaspoonful WM p I pint food. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail for 8 letter-stamps. S. Johnson & Co., Uoston, Mass. h |