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Show 1 JLtx&-t 3X3L33aL"fo.03r- l This number of The Union completes com-pletes tlie present volume, and we T thank our many patrons and friends 0 for their patronage, and trust we Y shall have a continuance of the same. "We have no pretentions to make v in regard to the New Volume, but i the better the patronage, the more k ' able we will be to go ahead. n "We expect to make some chang- I es in the New Volume, but it will I speak for itself, when it appears. J The price 50 cents per annum, will remain the same as hereto- i fore, but see premium offered else- J where. I ' The first number will appear a- . bout the last of April or middle of " May, and we hope to receive a large list of subscribers by that time. |