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Show yor"B ofGloe. He wanted justice. You could see that in his eyes afar off. He didn't want a little bit of justice weighed out in a gingerly iijaxner "and done up in a coarse brown paper, pa-per, but he wanted justice by the car load and at wholesale rates. He hitched his old white horse and dila pidated buggy in front of the drugstore, drug-store, mounted the stairs running up outside to the second story, and his eyes brightend as they rested on the tin sign on the door : George Boxem, Attorney-at-Law. The law-, yer was in. So were a two dollar desk, two fifteen cent chairs, a huge cuspidor, and a rustv stove. . "Morning." "Morning."1 Bin Jim "White, sir. Live out by Gray's Corners. Bought Tompkins' Tomp-kins' farm, you know." "Ah!" "Skinner jines farm with me.-His me.-His steers get into my corn. I want damages, but he laughs at me, I turn my hogs into his 'tater patch.' j "Good! I like a man of -spunk." "And he kills one of 'em." J "What!" ' "He kills a hog worth two dollars." dol-lars." "You don't say! Well, that man ought to be made to under-stand that he dosen't own this country. What -an outrage! Have you demanded de-manded pay." "Oh yes, and he said he'd like to Shoot 7HC." ! I . "Is it possible V Why, he's a dan- H gerous man, very dangerous." B "I came to ask youif -jf " B "Why, of course you have the H best kind of a ease against him, and 1 it is your duty to push it." H "Yes, I want justice, but how-5- B how much will " jfl "Oh the cost will be nothing.- H Just leave me $5 as a retainer and H we'll make Skinner sweafc. I haven't H heard such an outrage for years. He probably roaaojih 'that you are H ehickenhearted and afraid of bim " B "Well, he'll find that the Whites H have as much grit as the Skinners." ' H "And as inuch to law with ?' ' Hj 'That's the talk! We'll make I him a very sick man. Your case ap- H peals to me as-aoitizenas well as a HI lawyer. Now, we'll secure a war- u rant as a starter." Skinner visits the other lawyer H in the same village, and the conver- , I sation is about 'tlie same. White . -gU gets a warrant for Skinnor, and ' ' S Skinner gets a warrant for Wliite. H First year Two adjournments, fl a disagreement, twenty-four days ' - H lost time, and a cash expence of $58 - H to each farmer. Second ysnv Three trials, one disagreement, four adjournments, one appeal , and cash expence of $150 to eaeli farmer. Time lost, thirty- five days.. jH Third year Two trials, two ap- peals, two decisions, two farms pass" into the hands of two lawyers. JSF. F. Siut. |