Show POULTRY NOTES Eggs should be regularly collected at least twice daily l' l A light placed in roosting quarters trill will trill keep the ducks quiet at night Grain should be fed the poultry at night as it remains In the crop the longest The man who said that the best on most farms are the women knew what he was talking about Keep the hens in the best possible condition clean houses often feed feell carefully of good clean feed spray for mites and lice and you ou will be beas beas as apt as anybody to get eggs It is now time to be thinking of getting the poultry houses ready for I winter wintel The houses should be thoroughly cleaned and then coated with a thick whitewash If your fowls would sooner roost outside than in their houses there Is something wrong Search your pens and if lice prove provo to be the cause the house should be fumigated and sprayed with a a. liquid lice killer If your poultry houses are reasonably reasonably reasonably reason reason- ably tight It would be he a good thing thin to burn some sulphur to get rid of the mites and lice The Tho tighter the house Is the more thorough will be he the effect effect effect ef ef- of the fumes of the sulphur For a drinking vessel use a tin can Make lake a hole quarter one-quarter of an Inch from the top in the side fill with water water water wa wa- ter put a saucer on it and quickly Invert both hoth water will stand In the saucer and will feed down as fast as ns the chicks chicles drink it Ducks that are kept for breeding purposes should not be fed on a fattening fattening fattening fat fat- ration so as to weaken them breeders by too much forcing The should be kept separate from those that are are fed for market Clean dry quarters with plenty of fresh air Is as important as the kind of ration ratton to feed laying hens in win win- ter Do to not Buffer suffer your ducks to shift shirt for themselves picking up what food they can steal from the cows and swine and then expect them to be fita fitas fit as a fiddle as breeders when February comes |