Show E Q F RESERVOIR bly v Most Important Adjunct of to Windmill Plant It Can Be Made I l instances Winter Months in Profit of o f Producing Ice Size Ice Size and r rp r P r Essential A Are da d Shape 0 most important ads adt ad- ad I Id the ably bl t s 8 windmill plant Is the reser- reser 1 E Indeed a means of storing storing- bleh Is delivered at a small J f should be resorted to in i of Dow IIi where the flow Is less 1 instance ag j fV 00 l gallons per minute The TheE Ther r for tor recommending a reservoir E let I vita s 's UP to this amount Is that streams used direct from II the loss In conveyance in inIs inis Is excessive and the loss in Sn god of the water to the large since a small stream 1 a spot and a large largel ab t t l of water will sink into the thethis h this one place Instead of t ing over a large area and moist- moist the surface Further much labor bor is required to irrigate with t 1 stream than with a large one climatic conditions were favorable sources not limited there would e It j J advantage in having haYing a reservoir Je j j i would hold all the water I IJ td from the time irrigation stops t t to season until it begins In the ii for tor jr it is during the winter that the greatest winds occur tion jn during the winter months 1 require only a large reservoir the die e draining of pipes during calm Pays s or better still a proof frost-proof i g for the pump and piping In I. I instances a reservoir can be 3 a source of profit during the thet t r months b by producing ice e size and shape of a reservoir important A circular reservoir IDS about 13 per cent less shore than a square reservoir of equal sod ind the surface of the water is exposed to winds when the reser- reser Is partially filled An oblong gular reservoir with one of its Hides toward the prevailing wind have a smaller shore line ex- ex to wind but it has a greater e line eline varying from 13 per cent Spending upon the ratio of sides ado ds and in view of the fact that seepage of water through the theis thetis th is is approximately 20 per cent e leloss e loss in the bottom of equivalent it is desirable able to reduce to a aU as athe U s the le Ie leiP of embankment w has been s aid id concerning shore l applies ples to toJ Ue wave y cutting of J also Roun ab Z r. r in all allin are more sI s sm in m mple pie i tto tt to construct orchards achards reet angular reservoirs Jm rm better beller to toi the thet layout of plats i h hare are usually In squares or rec- rec les leE es but s this d oeS es' es not offset the they i y a advantages ol of olie ri the round ones ie reservoir sho shoto rt e of sufficient to hold the then wb w. pater ter o t r pumped ben be- be n Irrigations r l Rhes p period ben beD be- be n D Ir Irrigations i is h i en days a s and the theP P ers dell GO CO gal gat per Ions Ions sper minute a m average the t l pumped l M d gallo allons s a tor 9 cubic The it Cl lost reservoir g a gt Cheyenne I t per ren cent o Q J ts capacity in days liars but hut this t f L l of f earth re frs rs which may 50 O per cent in iu tex tel days Ys Assum- Assum the foe loss to be 25 er er er cent the city required wo wot t. t be b feet just a less s than two I f feet t. t The reserve Jl fir should have havee e f additional capa capacity rIty to provide the water pumped during a few i It Irrigation is pot postponed for any na |