Show f JJ rT THE IE UINTAH UINTAH RAILWAY COY CHANGE OF TIME Service t by hy means of Automobile J July I Beginning also nho between be- be St c Dragon oral and Vernal Line Lint between n the Sta Stage C OIl on Vernal Venial and anti Fort Duchesne the thc time lime het between tween veen on Dra-on Duchesne and Mack l IH has Fort aud i M H- H also between leaving Vernal or to one dl day Passengers n Fort been Duchesne at 00 a. a m nI I dost close connection ion nt at day dm with Denver cr Rio Pin Gran it Railroad Com Coin Nack same TrAn No G passengers from Denver 1 Kio Hio Train inv n-inv Company Trains No 1 4 5 7 and 8 leave leae Mack Nack a at 00 m. m Vernal or Fort p. p 7 O a. a tn m. m url arriving at I same day dray Schedule Uintah Railway 1 Mack l Colo lv Iy 7 30 an a. a m. m I ar or r id jr p. p m. m Uintah Uail Railway way Dragon Utah 1110 a. a m. m I lv Iv p. p tlc in Stage Stag Line Dragon on Utah lv l 1 00 p. p in I ar l 12 1200 00 noon Stage Line Vernal erral Utah ar G 00 p. p m. m I lv Iv 7 00 a. a in Stage Staze v. v line Ft Duchesne Utah ar or G OM 00 p. p in I lv J 7 00 a. a in tn Are you jOU carrying y A Account If not net learn the like business-like method of paying all your bills by bycheck check thus having a n receipt for everything you pay payout out and a fh ft check on your income and expenses We furnish all the nce needed cd books and also do the bo bookkeeping no no expense to you Start an an account now STATE BANK THE MYTON B. B L L. L DART CASHIER CASHIER I I f I About Your Taxes Having been app appointed Deputy County Treasurer you can now pay pay your taxes tares without having to go or orend send end to the county seat seal Call Can in person or send your tax notice with either local check money order or registered letter and receipt will go goo goto goto to o you by return mail B. B L. L Dart My Myton ton Utah Deputy County Treasurer Farm r for Rent I Good acre river bottom farm arm on for rent 40 10 acres under cultivation A About bout 12 acres in luc lucerne rne Large 2 room house See M. M Knudsen 80 Acre Ranch Bargain The south So 80 acres of the C. C H. H Sutton Button ranch is for sale fo for 1300 payable in cash balance in 8 years Sixty shares of wa water er stock is included A GOOD POSITION Can be had by ambitious young men and ladies in the field of Wireless or Railway teleO raphy Since the he our Soh-our 1 hour 8 la law Y became effective effe effective t yc and since the Wireless co companies are establishing lishing st stations ti ns th throughout l the country there re is i's a great rent shortage shortage shortage short short- age of telegraphers rs Positions pay be beginners inners from 70 to 90 00 per month with good hood chance of advancement ad The National Nation Nation- al Telegraph T Institute of Portland Portland Portland Port Port- land Ore operates six official institutes t. t ItU t es in In A. A America under I supervision of I R. R R. R and Wireless Wire Tire Tireless less officials and places all graduates graduates grad grad- rad- rad nates into p positions It will i pay you to write them fo for full details I I b 1 P c For Rent I Dwelling house at Randlett with barn corrals and ami garden I tracts a also 1 so X J D un unfinished f 1 Ice 1 f I building which will he be com COUl- completed to suit renter reuter Will ViI rent lent I by month or lease A Apply to Charles Wallace Roosevelt or M. M I. I J. J I e Randlett Announcement I ICh Ch Charles Wallace and V. W. J. J J Johnston desire to announce that they are arc in the thc backsmith 1 business at l Roosevelt elt and are con con- conducted running the shop formerly fOJo conducted con con- ducted eluded by hy Harry J 1 rhe They are building a n new shop auMain on au Main Inin street and will appreciate I the of the patronage people and g give ge e an any work worl entrusted to them prompt attention at t reasonable reas Teas prices y J Sale of oJ Uinta Lan Lands Ut s Utah h. h About acres within the thc fod former ler Uinta inta Indian Reservation Res Ies- er in the State of Utah will be he sold at public auction m at Provo Pro Utah on No November nl her heri i 1 I 1910 1010 in tra tracts ts approximating fug ing aeries acres end each CX except crept when owners o nc rs of of adjacent lands ls rei request re re- i quest a n sa tale sale c in areas No person can cun purchase more i than G 0 acres or nt a less price than 5 50 GO 0 cents s per acre alre b but st purchasers purchasers purchasers pur pur- chasers will not he be required to show v an any qualifications q s as lS to toc to c oge ge citizenship or otherwise Neither residence nor cultivation cultivation a tion will be hc s required but Patent patent pat Pat- ent ent nt will issue forth forthwith forth The full fun amount of the purchase purchase purchase pur pur- chase money mone for each tract must must be he paid at Provo Pro before l 30 P. P M. M ort the tl d day after it is sold These lands are are suitable principally print principally prin prin- t for grazing grassing purposes Maps Lips showing the these e lands can be he obtained obtained- front from rom the U. U S. S Land Laud Off Office ce at Vernal Utah at 23 5 cents each after October 1 1910 1110 but hut not before that HUH date JUlES JAMES W. W VITT X Superintendent Su perin ndel t. t Washington I D. D C. C Sept 1910 1010 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS There are quite a number of delinquent subscribers on the Records Record s books The TEte fact of being delinquent would lead to the thc inference that in many cases it is not cm convenient for I Ithem them to di dig up Ill the cat cash h. h Now the Record wants wants' to meet its su subscribers scribers half way v and in those cases where the the homesteaders home home- stealers desire to continue 1 their subscription and c ai-c are not t tin in a position to pay cash th the Record will take tak p their prod produce uce at the thc prevailing pre market rate when delivered This applies either cither to book accounts or or renewals renewals renewals re re- until further notice to the contrary ry A A. whole lot of subscriptions are no now v due and a still larger slumber number will dill fall due in midwinter mid winter th therefore to those with rith whom such a proposition is satisfactory attend to it at once before cold weather sets in Let us know v what you von desire desire desire de de- sire to 0 ex exchange haug in iii this this i man manner 1 inn inn- ner nel and we ve will specify what we wc want For or Sale Sale Improved Improved fa farms ms with withAl withAl h Al AI water rights Ed F. F Harmston Utah oct nov 14 4 t- t Mrs Albert Bjornsen has lias been been engaged engaged en en- to Lo teach t the h e int intermediate m di te department of the local school and I commenced on her duties Monday On account of the large attendance dance it was found absolutely necessary to add another teacher and next year the fourth on one e will be employed Anna the year old child of Mrs S. S A. A Hunt was taken over to the Post hospital Sunda Sunday She is suffering suffering suffer suffer- ing with a severe case of typhoid Anna is a a. lovable little girl and has endeared herself into the hearts of the community y and it is is' is earnestly hop hoped d she wilt will successfully pass through her sickness L f i 0 J NOTICE OF ASSESS ASSESSMENT Dry Gulch Irrigation liTigation Company i Principal place of Roo Roosevelt Utah t Notice is hereby hereby given n that at a a. f i i meeting of the Directors of this com corn company company pany held on the day ay of September Septem ber 1910 the following assessment was levied upon the capital stock of I the corporation wit to-wit I IOn On Class A stock 60 cents per share of f which 25 cents per share I I j must be paid in cash the thc balance of of 1 J jj 35 cents cents cents' per pcr share may be paid in Ii labor I On Class B stock 60 cents per per I j share of which 25 cents per share thare il Ii I m must st be paid in cash the cash the bal balance of f I 3 35 cents per share may xray be paId in labor On Class C C stock 62 2 1 cents f i ip p per r share all share all payable in cash On CI Clan s' s D stock 60 cents per I share share of of which 25 cents cents e ts per share must be paid in cash the cash the balance of I I 35 5 cents per share may b be paid in labor I On Class lass u E stock tock 62 12 1 2 1 2 cents p per r sh share re of which 40 cents per share hare must be pai paid l in cash the cash the balance of 22 22 2 1 cents per share may may be paid in lab labor r. r On Class 3 F stock 62 2 1 cents per share of which 40 cents per share I must be paid in cash the cash the balance of I 22 1 2 1 2 cents p per r share may be paid in labor On Class G p p stock 62 2 1 1 cents I per pcr share of which 40 cents per share must be paid in cash cash cash- the cash the balance of I 22 2 1 cents cents per share share hare may be paid in inn I labor I IOn On On Class H UH stock 2 cents i iper per share of which 40 cents per sh share rc must be paid in cash the cash the balance of I 1 22 2 1 cents per share may be paid in I labor I On Class I 1 stock 15 cents per per share all of which must be paid in ih i cash I IOn On Class J hJ stock 62 63 2 1 cents per share of which 40 cents per share must be paid in cash the cash the balance of 22 2 1 cents per share shaie may be paid in labor Said assessment t is payable to the Secretary of the Company at Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Roose Roose- velt Utah on or before October 1910 the privilege ge o of making ing payment payment payment pay pay- ment of the labor part of said raid assess assess assessment ment meat by labor under the th direction of company foremen and prior to date of October 1910 will be allow allow- allow I ed Any stock upon which this assessment as assessment assessment as- as may remain unpaid on the I day of October 1910 will be delInquent delinquent delinquent de de- dei i and adv advertised for sale cale le at public pub pub- pub pub-I lie lic auction and md unless pay payment ent is made before will be sold on the day of November 1910 to pay pw the d de delinquent delinquent de- de assessment to together ether with cost cost of advertising and e expense of sale J. J E. E STRAI Secretary I Roosevelt Utah Oats Wanted Oats Oats wheat corn rye barley barey pota potatoes St Send Sen nd I prices Cash on deli delivery ery Ashton Merc l Co l an tt Utah ST rf I Bowers O Fes T Fitzwater I 1 have just received i c a full line lint of DRY G GOODS DS AN AND NOTIONS I V Vc c carry rry a n complete line c o of of GENE GENERAL AL MERCHANDISE i 1 t 0 Our ur prices prIces WI will 1 suit your purse ro Come Com cand am and 1 b be e convinced a f t When you come to town dont don't forget the place B The n t- t ji s' s Green F FronT 1 t THEODORE UTAH I IJ 1 y J l l j r r 7 4 t. t JI Jo f c oJ b I Jt o oG G I have some ome I 1 1 c 6 I w o tf j In In Groceries 8 e It t will wiil pay you to figure with me j jd d tl J JOS I have an exceptionally fine line S 4 WOOL UNDERWEAR and SOX o OS OS'S OSS E En oy j S 'S n J 1 je W. W Ia I f r- r O t Ji Q Q i I. I n Bg MAKE fAKE MAKEn 1 S 1 h j Do the XI Work ork of f TWO Q 1 W J Q r. r WI ji i W i People of the Resen Reservation when hen in V Vernal ate invited J to drop into our store and look over our pr prices Let Letus r us convince you that one dollar invested with us will buy as much as two ordinarily do Just now we are preparing to make some important changes in our business and vie v are closing out our entire stock at t F cost We carry everything to be found in a general generalI me merchandise store n I I wo FL Burton 1 t Vernal l Utah n w A bridge is to be at once on I t the e Gray pray Mountain I canal on the Price road and another mother in the Babcock Babcock Babcock Bab- Bab BabI I I cock draw drw which lets the s f people j through to the lower end of the South I My Myton ton bench x y Girl Wanted t Good strong girl irl irl or woma t wanted for fi huse work and hel fI in ill taking care cate 0 of f. f children Af l ply or write to Mrs M. M Pope Theodore Utah J r 1 I. I I fl illa l 1St 0 t 1 t I t S. S 0 f k t c N Y Flannel Outing JL t J JUST RE RECEIVED E V D. D I f 1 II- II f 1 J if r b f t. t I FI Winter 1 m and nd I Underwear J Union Suits Sluts for r men women and chIldren children r i L' L 4 tt J. J THE PIONEER w EER STORE 1 f I You y ou Know We are Headquarters for Everything r ri CA CALVERT CALVERT- LV E RT WAUGH I V H i N i l u 3 1 kol S |