Show I DUCHESNE TELEPHONE I AND POWER VER COMPANY i iA A new company incorporated for under the above e name will ill extend the telephone line linc frotH front the present t terminal of the l U. U S. S Forest service ce line at on down the river river riv riv- er to Theodore Local stockmen stock stock- men built t others are arc subscribing A.M. A. A for stock in the thc corporation corporation-A N. N Murdock and R. R M. M I Pope being listed at atthe the head of the company compan- unites miles of wire have hae been 11 ordered Vork Work will begin beg next Monday morning and will be he pushed through h b be before e e fore forc snow falls if possible This line Jine will give gi c the two sides of Wasatch cou county 11 ty direct coin communication and und will vill be shorter than the old line linc via n Provo Pro und and Price by from 75 to miles The fh company's stockholders will meet next Tuesday and complete the thc or organization Wasatch Wave Vu 0 |