Show POULTRY NOTES There Is such a thing as overfeeding over feed ing very young turkeys Corn charred a little on the cob Is in Isan inan an excellent food for laying hens Toulouse or Embden geese are both good breed and not difficult to raise Where fowls are confined In small ways run-ways the yards should be spaded up occasionally I ITo To add one pound to the weight of ofa a chick requires on an average five pounds of fee feed Over-crowding Over is a serious mistake arrange your room In proportion to the number of If fowls If H kept confined chickens must be given a substitute for the worms and bugs they otherwise get Dont Don't place coops under trees and shrubbery as plenty of air and sunlight sunlight sunlight sun sun- light is necessary necessary to heir to heir well Dont Don't allow the mother hen to drag around all day with her brood bro as many chicks succumb through tion The cheapest and best feed for or poultry poultry poul poul- try next to corn is skim milk Fed to poultry this product by-product will always bring a good profit Remember that milk does not take the place of water and when milk Is fed to the fowls should be liberally supplied with fresh water at the same time The prepared chick feeds on the tho market turn furnish Ish the elements for growth and development and are hardly more expensive than the home prepared ra rat ra- ra I If the hens heas are expected to lay heavily heavily Il ily during the winter they must be cared caved for every month of the year and fed more heavily h as the fall months come on Some poultry keepers feed their chickens three e times a day while others others oth oth- ers find that twice i ie Ic sufficient For the Inexperienced breeder bleeder It probably would be better to feed three times a day I |