Show LESSON TAUGHT BY THE CENSUS RETURNS SHOW THAT RACE SUICIDE SUI SUI- CIDE SPECTRE IS STALKING STALKING STALKING STALK STALK- ING THROUGH THE LAND Signs Point to a Dropping Away of Fifty Percent in Internal Increase of Our Population from Former Records Washington Washington Startling Startling conclusions spring from an examination of the returns returns returns re re- re- re turns of the census of 1910 as far as the returns have come In when compared compared compared com com- pared with statistics of national growth in former decades The rhe comIng com Ing race suicide casts its shadow before before be be- fore ore for the natural Increase of the native-born native American Is falling off to toan toan toan an alarming extent and another decade decade decade de de- de- de cade at this rate would put us Inthe in inthe inthe the class with France whose decreasing decreasing ing lug population has been the burning question with the government there In spite spite- of all our natural resources and all aU the national and state aid to encourage an Increase keeping step with former years the signs point to toa toa toa a dropping away of 50 per cent in Internal internal internal in In- Increase of population from the records of former decades The increase of our whole population population population tion including Immigrants from 1820 to 1900 was an average of 28 per cent for each decade varying from 35 per percent percent percent cent In 1860 1850 to 23 per cent in 1890 The average increase ex- ex exclusive ex ex- elusive of immigrants during that period was about 21 per cent In the decade o of 1900 1890 this increase was wasa a trifle over 20 per cent there being I about Inhabitants other I than immigrants In the former and about in the latter census There was thus an internal Increase of about people Now the best experts including those in the census office place the total that will be shown by the census of 1910 at But from this must bo be deducted the extraordinary Influx of immigrants in the past ten years which according to the returns of the bureau of immigration up to the last month show that within a afew afew afew few thousand of have come comeIn comein comein in since 1900 The returns will show that the rural population Is positively decreasing and that the cities are absorbing a greater portion of the newcomers newcomers |