Show RESULT OF IDAHO PRIMARY Governor Brady by Republicans Republicans Re Re- publicans and Hawley Chosen by Democrats Boise Ida Returns Returns from Idaho's primary election show that Governor Brady Republican is by Iy y a handsome majority over over all estimated estimated estimated es es- es- es at 2000 This Is large considering considering con con- the light vote and the number num num- her ber of candidates Congressman Hamer Hamer Hamer Ha Ha- mer stand standpatter patter was defeated decisIvely decisIvely Ively by former Congressman French Frenchs French's majority may reach James H. H Hawley was wide state prohibitionist nominated for governor on the Democratic Dem Bern ticket and A. A M. M Bowen for congress The other candidates known to have been nominated are Republican Supreme court justice justice jus jus- tice I. I N. N Sullivan lieutenant governor L L. H. H Sweetser treasurer O. O V V. Allen defeating the incumbent Hastings mine inspector R. R N. N Bell auditor S. S D. D Taylor re re- re- re nominated attorney general In doubt doub between Morrison and McDougal Incumbent incumbent in in- secretary of state between B. B E. E Hyatt and E. E L L. Whitney and school superintendent between Chamberlain Chamberlain Chamberlain Cham Cham- incumbent and Grace Shepperd Shep Shep- perd Democratic Supreme court J. J L L. McClear lieutenant governor E E. J J. J Hunter auditor E E. W. W Jones treasurer treasurer treasurer treas treas- Joseph T. T Carruth secretary o of state O. O V. V Badley attorney general Frank L. L Moore school superintendent superintend superintend- ent Gertrude Noble mine Inspector J J. J A. A Czizek It is reported that not over o 30 pe per percent percent cent of the total vote went to the polls On account of the supreme court having held that the second choice vote was compulsory and unesS uness unless un un- un- un less ess indicated the first Choice holce would not nol be un co-un counted ted thousands of voters voter wrote III In names indiscriminately fo for second choice In order to protect the their first choice This greatly delayed and terribly complicated the count |