Show HIGH HEELS NEARLY KILL Woman Falls Fails Down Steps and Onto a Broken Tumbler Broken Tumbler Which Severed an Artery Richmond Va One One of at Dame FashIons FashIon's FashIons FashIon's FashIons FashIon's Fash Fash- Ions Ion's fancies an unusually high heeled the death slipper came near causing of at Mrs John Devine wife of a prominent nent neat merchant and herself well known In society circles when they caused her to fall down the front steps slept of or her homo home while carrying a glass of water rater The glass smashed on u the stones ender her right arm cutting a deep gash and severing an artery The blood flowed from tram the cut for tor over had bad mud much and physicians two hours bours difficulty In stopping It Added to her weak condition from loss of ot blood a fractured wrist was wae sustained She will recover |