Show The man whose bluff Is not sometimes sometimes sometimes some- some times called never existed I r. r Pleasant Pellets Jle and nd Inyl- Inyl o stomach and bowels Sugar coated ly granules easy to take tako a as 1 candy The days are not are not mere repetitions of themselves tomorrow will ha have ve abet abet- better bet bet- fter ter meaning T. T. T T T. Munger Iunger DD Depend not on another rather lather lean upon thyself trust to thine own exertions exertions exer exer- 1 subjection to another's will gives pain Manu f a NO FRILLS Just Sensible Fo Food d Cured Him Sometimes a good healthy commerIA commercial commercial commer commer- IA cial traveler suffers from tram poorly selected se- se food and Is lucky f If he learns i that Nuts Grape-Nuts food toad will put him right rightA A A. Cincinnati traveler says About a year ago my stomach got In a bad badWay g Way ay I had a headache most of tho the thone thor thet t time ne and suffered misery For several r months I ran down until I lost about 10 pounds In weight and finally had to I I I give up good position and go home AnY y food that I might use seemed to nauseate nauseate meMy me f j J My wife hardly knowing what to todo ing do o one day brought home a package of f Nuts Grape-Nuts food and coaxed me to try y ft U. U I 1 told her It was no use but finally to humor her I tried a little r. r Itry and they just struck my taste It Ita a Was as the first food I had eaten in nearly nearly near near- ly a year that did suffer suffer- not cause any I. I t 6 Well Vell to make a long story short I S1 I began to Improve and stuck to Grape- Grape Nuts I went up from pounds in December to pounds the tho following re r 1 1 October I My brain is clear blood all i right and appetite too much for any 19 g mans man's ans pocketbook In fact I am thor- thor 1st d 7 made over and owe It all to 1 Grape what I talk so much about Nuts Grape will do that some of themen tho the thomen men inen on the road have nl nicknamed me Nuts Grape a ar but I stand today p r healthy rosy cheeked man man man-a. a pretty OU Oth rood good example of at what the right kind g of food will do You can publish this If you want to Ut It Is a truo true statement without any frills I Read the little book The Road RAad to toLt toe f Lt J. J 1 e In Theres a a. Reason b. b Ever read the aboTe letter A A. ae Dew ner nerVI VI e appears appeAr from rom time to 10 time They Tilley a 4 ulDe true and 4 full tull o of jJ ille I I Forget all the tho evil people of ot history and remember the good ones who have bave made the world better A TIMELY WARNING Backache headache dizzy spells and distressing urinary troubles warn you ou of at dropsy diabetes and fatal Brights Bright's disease Act in time by curing Daan's Doan's Kidney Pills PUls the kidneys with They have cured I thousands and will wUl f. f cure you Mrs L. L B. B Burke So Lilly St. St Moscow Moscow Mos Mos- cow Idaho says I Y Iwas Iwas was almost crazy crazy'S S 'S with excruciating pain painI I through my kidneys V The kidney secretions were highly colored scanty and looked like blood For over overa a month I was In bed totally he help help- p- p less Doans Doan's Kidney Pills benefited me wonderfully They have my endorsement endorsement endorsement en en- at all times Remember the name name Doans Doans For sale by all dealers 50 cents a box Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N N. Y Consumption Can Be Cured A specific has at last been discovered discovered discovered ered which will positively cure con con- completely eliminates the tuberculosis germs from tram the human body Results are extremely prompt Even Evenin in severe cases the tubercle bacilli have been entirely destroyed within eight months In others marked Improvements improvements improvements im Im- im- im have been noted within two to six weeks This Improvement continues until complete cure Is ef ef- ef- ef We have positive proof of our suc suc- cess Write for tor full particulars Co International Bank Los Angeles Cal Cat There Is 13 more Catarrh in this section of the he country than a all other t diseases r put ut together e c and until the lost last few lew y years was supposed S to be Incurable r For a great many years ears doctors t pronounced It a aO local O disease and nf ac h prescribed local remedies and by c constantly falling to cure with local treatment pronounced It IL incurable Science has proven Catarrh to be bo a constitutional disease dis dis- disease ease ense and therefore requires constitutional treatment Halls Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F F. J J. J Cheney 0 ft Je Co Toledo Ohio Is the only Constitutional cure on oa the market market- It la Is taken Internally In to doses denes from 10 drops to a teaspoonful It acts acta directly on the blood and Md mucous surfaces of tho the system They offer olTer one onehundred onehundred hundred bundred dollars for any MY case It falls bits to cure Send for lor circulars circulate and testimonials Address F. F J. J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio Sold Bold by Too l Take e Halls Hall's Family Pills Fills for lor constipation Mrs BIra Soothing Syrup teething reduces ln- ln 8 n e bottle U The secrets the average woman can keep are those of ot her toilet WOMEN OF MIDDLE Need Lydia E. E s Vegetable Compound Brookfield Mo Two Two years ago ago aro T F. was unable to do any kind of work and auit only weighed pounds My f 1 e s t dates teC b bacK k to d i time that jR tl may expect tu l fir fr io o bringan b bring bring- r i n g- g gon oa on thorn j the Chan Change of life Late j K I got a 0 bottle tits fit i i J J Lydia L dia E. E i m t. t V Vegetable e get a b 1 e ComI Compound Com Com- j pound and it made I ili bt me feel much better l T l' l and I have haTe continI contin contin- continued I f its use I ana mm i very grateful to yore cm for the good Rood am now enjoying Mrs SATIATE 41 S. S Livingston Street Seree Brookfield Mo I I The Change Chango of Life Is the most exit raity cal period of a woman's womans wo ana existence an neglect of health at this time iu disease and pain Women everywhere should ber her that there is no other remedy known mown to medicine that will so successfully successfully successfully suc suc- ca carry cany women through this flits trying period as Lydia E. E Pinkham Vegetable Compound made fromm from tive the roots and herbs For Tor SO 80 years it has bas been o. curing tromen tro- tro men from the worst forms of femur ills inflammation ills inflammation tile ulceration oration displacements displacements dis dis- placements fibroid tumors irregularities ties periodic pains backache ancL an nervous prostration If you would like special a advice ric J Jabout about your case write a confident confident- letter to Mrs bars Pinkham at Lynn Mass 1 Her advice is free and always helpfuL The Army Army o of f I ion ionIs Is It Growing Crowing Smaller Every lb Da Days r CARTERS CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Plus are arc they responsible they no not notI only only give pra relief relief relief- CART I they permanent permanently cure taro ties lion hi Millions Mil Mil- 7 s lions use oso thom thaw fer er sell But lieu Sick S1 m. m SMALL PILL PIU SMALL DOSE SMALL SMAL Genuino merge r Signature r W La DOUCLAS SEWED HAND H te PROCESS S 0 r. r MEWS IEN'S S WOMEN'S 4 BOYS' BOYS l. THE STANDARD e c FOR 30 SO YEARS fi They are absolutely the 1 most popular and j for the price in America i They are the leaders everywhere everywhere everywhere every every- where because they hold j 1 their shape fit better I look better and wear lon ion longer ger than other makes t E I They They- are certainly the f most economical shoes for you to b R UL L. L I Douglas name and retail price are stamped anthe on an I the bottom value bottom value J JI I TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE I If your you dealer cannot supply you write for Mail Hail Ord Order CZ CZI C I W. W L L. DOUGLAS PI LES LESHI I HI have suffered Buffered with piles for thirty six years One year ago last April I began be I gan taking for constipation Jin the course of a week I noticed notice the pi I began to disappear eU and at the end a cf of six she weeks they did aId not trouble me at all have bave done wonders for me I Iam Iam am entirely cured and feel like a. a aero n w man George Kryder Napoleon O. O Pleasant Palatable Potent Taste Good Do Good Never Sicken Weaken or Gripe Gripes lOc Oc N Never over sold in bur bun Tho tablet stamped C C C C. C Guaranteed to cure or your money mODey back SOD S1 PATENT gR JB IDEAS They may TOO wealth page 64 Boot Book Fi lire r Z Bong Co ox K Wasll W. W N. N U U. Salt Lake City No 37 Strong Healthy Women If a woman women is strong and ond healthy in a II womanly way motherhood moth I means to her but little suffering The trouble lies lie in the fact that the many women suffer from weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine organism and are are- un unfitted unfitted for motherhood This Thi can be remedied Dr Or Pierces Pierce's Favorite Prescription Cures Cure the weaknesses and end disorders of women It acts sets directly on the delicate and important organs concerned in motherhood making them strong strona vigorous rigorous T virile rile and elastic y Favorite Prescription banishes the indispositions of the r. r period of expectancy and makes baby's advent easy and r almost painless It quickens and ond vitalizes the cr organs and insures a Q healthy and robust baby Thousands of Ii ii testified to its marvelous merits It Makes Weak Women Strong Strom It Makes AIdes Sick WeLL Honest druggists do not offer substitutes substitute and urge them upon you as U i as 5 s good Accept no secret nostrum in place of cf this thi non weer remedy It contains not a drop of alcohol and not a grain train of habit forming or ot dru drugs s. s Is Is a pure extract of healing be native American roots 4 r AXLE G GA EP SE Keeps the tho spindle lI bright g t and ani Ci free from grit Try a n box bax Sold by dealers everywhere Continental Oil Olt Co Cop Incorporated Incorporated- teen r MITCHELLS MITCHElS EYE SALVE As 25 |