Show MAKING SUNSHINE It Is Often Found In Pure Food I IThe The improper selection of oC food many a healthy person into the depths of oC despairing illness Indeed much nuch sickness comes from wron wrong food md and just so surely as that is the case right food will ill make the sun shine once nce more An old veteran of ot Newburyport Mass rass says In October I was taken Ick sick and went to bed losing 47 pounds I in a about 60 days I L had doctor after food hurt me and I had to live I entirely on magnesia and soda Ml ll solid food distressed me rue so that water would run out of oC my mouth in little flUe streams I I had terrible night sweats and my finall finally said I had consumption md ind must must die My good wife gave up ill hop hope hop We were at Old Orchard Me fe at that time and my wife wiCe saw Nuts In a grocery there She She- ought nought some and persuaded me to tory tory ry ItI It I r 1 had no faith in It but took it to lo please Ilease her To my surprise it did not me as all other food tood had bad done tad ind before I had taken the fifth package pack pack- pack pack-I age ge I was well on the mend The pains cit eft my h head ad my mind became clearer I md ind I gained weight rapidly I I went back to my work again and I IlOW low after six weeks' weeks use of ot the food am better and stronger than ever be- be beI I ore in my life lite Nuts Grape-Nuts surely I saved laved my life liCe and made me a strong learty man 15 pounds heavier than lefore I was WIlS taken ill Both my good wife wiCe and I are wiling will wili ng to make affidavit to the truth of oC his Read Rend The Road to Wellville In Theres a reason E Ever er rend th the above letter A new neY ne no appears appear front trona time to lo time tinie They T I Ier lee arc genuine true and anil full of ot human Interest er I |