Show BLACK HAND REVELATIONS Gang Organized in Many Cities and Towns in Ohio Cincinnati Revelations in the extortion extortion extortion ex ex- ex- ex plotting and murder b by the Black Hand as uncovered on Wednesday Wednesday Wednes Wednes- day by postoffice inspectors from the Cincinnati office s show ow conclusively that the gang In Columbus Marlon Marion Dennison and other Ohio towns were organized along the same lines as the old Mafia 1 but with witha a much more thorough system of ot concealment con con- It is now known that the Ohio Blank Hand or the tho Society of the Banana as Its members style themselves had a Ij-anch Ij in Pittsburg Pittsburg Pitts- Pitts burg Pa one in Chicago and a line Une that extended to South Dakota Regular Regular Regular Regu Regu- lar meetings were held and the money obtained b by extortion was distributed to various divisions In this country and sent to relatives in Italy for safe keeping |