Show Prominent Women Aid Good causA Cause caus A large number of women ing prominent positions in society d don on the stage are taking an active Interest in interest interest terest in the tuberculosis anti cam Mrs W. W K Vanderbilt has re recently recently given for sanitary homes for consumptives Mrs Keith Spalding of Chicago has erected a J sanitarium for the Chicago Tuberculosis sis institute at a cost of about 50 Mrs Collis P. P Huntington and Mrs 1 Borden Harriman have given largely to the consumption fight In Porto Rico Mrs Albert Norton Wood wife wire of a prominent army officer stationed stationed sta at San Juan has stirred the entire entire entire en en- tire island through the anti losis crusade she inaugurated Mme Emma Calve is a most enthusiastic worker and has given giyen largely of her talent and money for the relief of tuberculosis sufferers and Miss Misa Olga has even lectured before beCore the public on tuberculosis |