Show J JI I tr if TALKS Dy By Doctor r Frank G. G layers Myers r ers x f 55 Duchesne Utah S W v P 0 I 0 I A I. I s The question Is often orten asked Hew can I keep well In the first place we we should not become corpulent corpulent lent Jent by y over eating and by eating I too much starchy food sugar ami and amI fats If you are already corpulent cut food down to about half haH what you have been eating and dis dis- discontinue continue eating most nil fats starches stare starch es es' es and sugar In the place of them thom eat vegetables fruits cereals lean Jean meat once a day clay If you must have meat Meat 2 is not necessary to sustain sustain sustain sus sus- tain life liCe Arise early in the mornIng morn- morn Ing and ancI take a cool bath go jl il wHIt a few muscular exercises the b host t riff is tensing te and relaxing the muscles which not only gives the tile the tone tone- muscular s system proper but but also l t also iso increases the magnetic now now- C er ex of the body After your exercises a glass of hot or cold water little tie lemon juice ho It without without wIthout with wIth- out sugar ar after otter this walk a mile before breakfast inhaling the fresh air air through your nose tat Eat a a light ight breakfast of one or or two poached 1 eggs some some kind of fruit toast a 1 I glass of milk or a cup consisting of br V f half hot milk and tea On One half haIr of t tan an orange Oral may mar bo he taken before each meal ineal l. l There is more vitamin in oranges than any other othel kind t of fruit tr Keep Keell busy and in in th the open aped tic as 8 much IC 1 a as P possible lo during the tho theda d' d da aL At t lunch hunch 1230 to 1 p. p pm m m. m eat cai ca ith b but nO y with nourishing heavy food SOUr soup with soda crack cracker bl bread e ll ers er s whole wheat or 01 graham a a- baked potato with butter hutter a baked apple a glass plass of milk or hot water Tea and and coffee should not be Ink tali- en eri regularly as the active lel and theme theine are arc powerful powerful powerful power power- ful ful drugs drubs and stir stimulants to the tho brain and anti nervous system which should not be used only for medical purposes purposes s when prescribed by br a doctor doc doc- oc- oc tor and your food before swallowing s that tha- s s. s thoroughly masticate and mix with with- S the saliva Go about abolt your work worl In afternoon after noon noon with vigor keeping tIle die body y arid mind occupied At six i ix or 01 sawen sev saw seven seven r. nf Hn en o'clock eat a mOll mol mo ife i. i e r. r taking fruit first J some kind of of- ofa I a as s Jar and g green wm vegetables hl should ShO be taken with each meal neat if possible custards bread an ant l butter but but- with ter-with ter with a glass of or milk or OL water at and this should be n for the evening meal Be Bc sure sine that the lie teeth are in gO got h r condition and no puss cavities ov or pyorrhea is present as the absorption absorption tion of puss puss from bad teeth catl cause C many diseases After Arter dinner walk for an hour and go go to the theater or some gome c tar n 11 1 r place of or amusement D Do Diu nor retire I Ifor for at least three hours hours hour aft v dinner dinner din 1 ner and do not drink calf rr for at least two hours after meals metis Jn but t drink much water between Ill meals eals If you wish to live a healthy prosperous pros pros- porous life do not worry It has has that 01 b been en proven scientifically wor worry ry fear hatred jealousy envy etc generates a poison polson in the body hodr which is injurious to its gro growth groth th and and devel devel- Be an optimist instead of a pessi- pessi mist Remember the words of S Sydney Syd- Syd cI n ney y S Smith l I I If what seemed afar so grand Turn to nothing in tIl thy hand han l I wOn On again the victory lies fes J z w In In the struggle not the Ule prize 0 0 |