Show I Hi Historic London Chur Church h The Church ChUlch of St. St Michael l one of ot Wrens Wren's churches which h has hus just been reopened after extensive e renovations rellO Is on one o of the most historic churches In London It Is h built on the site of that erected b by Dick Did toll and andin In which he lie was buried but the ori original was so wiped willed out in the tilt great leat fire that no trace tr of Sir Richard Whit Whit- I grave ra e now remains lh The renovation scheme Included d the th palming palm paint big ing of the walls and ceiling and th the of th the h altar fur for forward moving mo heavy ratline railing ward to form Conn a choir s sI Time The rep of or Moses and Aaron fou found ll In all nil Wrens Wren's churches tire are ure Inthis In Inthis n this case a e exquisite statues statue which for Cor or uteri merI stood on iH pedestals beside the altar r. r They have now rj been en a commo dated In niches In the walls Sf some few I feet above their original location I |