Show Ranking Scout Has Won 61 Medals Louisiana Boy Has Won All Allbut Allbut Allbut but Three of the Merit Badges Lake Charles diaries La Against Against his fathers father's fathers father's fa fa- ther's will wm EdwIn La Bauve went Into the boy scouts five years ago Today I I he Is the ranking boy scout of ot the world having ing received more of the organizations organization's or or- organizations organization's honors than any other of ot the 7 OOOO young gentlemen enlisted In that body Edwin Is pretty proud of himself quite naturally but his once dissenting parent Is downright jubilant What Edwin has actually done Is Isto Isto isto to win 01 Ell of ot the possible 04 64 merit badges No scout n nOw w a member atthe of at the tire organization has done th this s. s Last year there was a u boy In Terre Haute Ind lad who also won 61 Gl of the merit badges hadges but he has lias since passed the age limit and is no longer an an active wout crout out Is Well Liked Everybody In Lake Charles and through much of the surrounding country country country coun coun- try knows and likes Edwin lie He Is seventeen seventeen seventeen sev sev- sev- sev enteen years old 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 37 pounds Five years ears In the organization he still does his act of service every day still Is the courteous helpful thoughtful thought thought- ful chap that he lIe planned to be when he took the scout oath Harry Woosley Woosley Woos Woos- Ie ley scout executive at Lake Charles sn says s that Edwin spends much time with other boys bos assisting them In scout cout work and helping them to win merit badges of at their own own He has a good business head bead on him too Woosley Woosley Woos Woos- ley says that last summer Edwin was r r In charge of ot the camp canteen and that he made more money than any of ot his predecessors In the boy scout t course as has been mentioned there are 64 subjects In order for a boy to obtain a merit meritI I badge on any of these he must after the required application stand examination examination examination nation before a qualified board The three subjects Edwin has not taken are archery architecture and radio The winning of ot 61 Gl merit badges does not come easily Edwin has worked and studied virtually night and day since 1920 has plugged through the extensive curriculum of ot boy much harder than Ulan he would have been obliged to plu plug through college The knowledge crammed into this young fellows fellow's head is little short of at astounding He knows the rud rudiments ments of electricity Knows first aid both for human humans and animals knows what birds should should-be should be killed and what hat preserved preserved preserved pre pre- served knows how to sketch how to tomake tomake make blueprints how to survey sur knows how to cook ook knows about trees and plants knows the fundamentals of at music of aviation a of welding understands understands un un- ph photography b seamanship masonry masonry and and many many other things his scout work has taught him The precise subjects on which Ed Edwin EdIn In has received badges are re blacksmithing cycling first aid lifesaving life lifesaving saving swimming handicraft civics camping athletics cookIng cooking cook cook- Ing personal health carpentry first aid to animals safety first machinery pioneering public health stalking bird study Inwood in inwood Inwood wood plumbing poultry printing mining horsemanship hiking masonry mason mason- ry scholarship astronomy botany dairying forestry signaling marksman marksmanship marks marks- in man manship a n s h hiP t p beekeeping agriculture painting photography leather leathe workIng workIng workIng work- work Ing ph physical development art electrIcIty electricity elec elec- s surveying Interpreting sculpture sculpture sculpture ture music bugling business aviation seamanship taxidermy insect life foundry practice angling textiles conservation gardening and chemistry Think of that Edwin takes excellent care of himself him him- self He lie eats food that Is best for Him among other cautions He lIe does not eat candy He can lift a n pound barrel eight times above his head can swim like a fish and can hike faster and further than the champion knight of ot the road His proudest possession possession possession posses posses- sion Is his boy scout shirt the tho one on which the 61 merit badges are sewed And if you OU ask him he will tell you what each badge means and how v howit it was earned He was born In r Lake ake Charles His mother is dead which makes snakes him more the apple of at his fathers father's eye eye aYe 3 than would ordinarily be the case The father father fa fa- ther was born in Louisiana but all of ot Edwins Edwin's grandparents were born In France his mothers mother's parents coming to Canada and settling in Ontario later moving to Louisiana and his fathers father's fathers father's fa ta ther's parents coming straight to New Liberia La Edwins Edwin's father operates a prosperous prosper prosper- ous shop In Lake Charles and It Is Is' this business that he lie wants to turn over to his accomplished ed son |