Show BETTER V OR FN TN WELL EQUIPPED KITCHEN I v ff it j t J. J 1 if i 5 r OJ S I n f I If Conveniently Arranged Kitchen Helps Housekeeper The kitchen Is the tIme wor ul woi h hop in I p most farm and ond her homes In It he the helpers pre prepare tre tin tho food for the family and from It on most of at as a center carr the other hous More and lighted shop better work worl can b br bE done in a well arranged ed for he lle comfort and convenience of at tOt tas yorkers workers equipped with an anc good tools In a dark In shop where much time must be spen unnecessary steps and fn wasted with scattered equipment Business men have found this a s soi-ml soi principle and It should I kitchen so that be applied to the farm the housek housekeeper epel do van i her least fatigue ue work more quickly and with th tilt the I I I I l c r J J |