Show Preserve Eggs in Li Lime Jf If water glass is not obtainable le for tor reserving eggs lime solution may beI be I d says sas the Un United ed States Dep Department Dept Depart t. t ment of Agriculture It Is s not con- con s. s so good as water glass as' as as a In little Hue Instances e eggs gs preserved by this have ha tasted slightly of lime al- al 1 ough at ut other times limewater has hag roved entirely sa satisfactory To preserve with lime Ihne dissolve e 2 of 01 lime In a n small of or water and dilute with 5 allons pillions of water that has previously Ipen hol boiled d and cooled Allow the mix- mix lire are to stand until the lime settles settle's ilien Lilen pour off and use the clear liquid d. d Place clean clenn fresh eggs In a clean clenn crock or Jar and anti pour pom the lear Inar r Into the Ye vessel sel until he eJ eggs s are ole covered At least 2 Incites Inches of th the solution should cover the thc top la layer er of or eggs ggs |