Show If You Want To Know Some of the many advantages that will accrue to you through the regular use of ot our bank account plan of caring for your financial affairs how affairs how the he use of this plan will better enable Y YOU U to save more more come come in and talk to our cashier Let him explain to you in detail how the plan will adapt itself to YOUR use no matter how ho large or how small your income Not I. I 1 i t THE HE T HE MYTON i Sf STATE T BANK r t t Est Established J. J N November vember 11 I 1909 The liThe Bank of Safety and s rv c i. i D B. B L L. DART ART Cashier iI J Jensen Co 11 o a Abstractors Duchesne uc esne U Utah to ah J 4 r Heber be r Utah to y 1 t ti I. I i i c. c v Abstracts furnished for Duchesne and W Wasatch C Counties IJ I I X 7 q The e Battle a e and an The Race ace 1 r i A j battle is is not always to to the str strong the strong th ng-th the race not always t to the It is neither strength streng th nor swiftness that will bring 4 t r Vo you off in in Lifes Life's Battle and an i Lifes Life's Race I Its perseverance persever- persever i ance ance C a thing thing thing and and and sticking t to it By starting ant an an- t I account J at Bank ank of Duchesne a and d having a ing started it by sticking sticking to to 8 it V YOU f can Battle and the Race Its It's up to you o J. J H H I BANK OF D DUCHESNE f I W. W L. L D DEAN AN Cashier I r 1 u r rI l t LOOK if I ir i N to i I I Jt J h I 1 tl t n at l tV V I t. t t. t l v YOU 1 I yol i J I 1 i a I t 1 are are- are cc aA sli H U at t I. I 1 1 J s Ul j nn n n j SCH fl 1 H C t A insure d J NI s U r. r r rU U t llO Ull s j i P t ert r i cu gs T h. h l t l f a aY l Y 5 Prank Frank prankH H H. McFarland 0 i t i t All kinds d so of f ce tiJU ci t Dudi Duchesne s' s Ut Utah H i V I 1 J. J r 1 j IN THE FOU FOURTH TH DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF ur UTAH H IN INAND AND FOR COUNTY A. A M. M MURDOCK 1 arl t v Plaintiff C vs c. c w w. ANDERSON ANDERS N- N Defendant 1 NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SHERIFF'S SALE SAIE UNDER EXECUTION EXECUTION I i iTo t J. J To be sold at sheriffs sheriff's sale sate the on-the j of February 1916 at dt t tb the hour o oj 2 o'clock p p. p m m. m at the front door of th the County Court House in Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du chesne County State tate of of Utah the following fol fol- fol lowing described property to wit Block four fifty r 54 in Duchesne t Duchesne County State of Utah Dated this 2 th da day of January 1916 ELROY WILKINS Sheriff 1 Will Trade for Uintah Basin Acreage City and farm property in ip Farmington Farming Farming- ton Utah i City property and acreage in and around Salt Lake q City y and Provo Utah Y What at have you to offer We have hav many inquiries for arm farm farm l lands Send us your listings For further P particulars write J J. r M. M Russell Invest Investment ment nt Co Roosevelt Utah Want an Organ or a Piano Reliable instruments at lowes owes prices price See James Grant Utah SPRING MILLINERY MILLINERY Mrs Wm Vm Sweatman and Mrs Glen Christman hav have ordered a a st stock ck of spring pring millinery which will arrive early tier next e t m Ad Adv i t R RIS i IS J T o But that is no not t what were we're talking about 1 1 We N wish to call attention to our clear clearance ance anc I e sale We Vile e quote the following prices J r i 11 Regular shirts shuts u. u V.- V. a II I 21 0 0 I I boys Z-I Z 2 piece Pec heavy underwear 90 union union suit 1 60 60 1 5 II 85 1 f J I 25 25 per c cent n off ff on mittens gloves caps neckties r l f 25 to 50 per cent off on hats l i i The H D 0 Store L o A. A U I. I D Duchesne uc h esne Ut Utah a h. h a t V j I. I I I f f e S t I r n I L Lubricating Oils Grease cease Tokheim Storage Tanks and Pumps The Co So West Temple Salt Lake City The Well Known Sherman Bell Jr STANDARD BRED will make the season seasonal at al the Barn Barnof of c C. C I. I Duchesne Reasonable Prices and Terms WARREN STRONG and C C. C F. F BROWN General Auctioneers Satisfaction Guaranteed DUCHESNE UTAH HH H. H H. H HOLDAWAY Instructor fn trudor tor V Guitar and Mandolin Duchesne Utah 1 5 S tl J. J BM B. Drew is Here Heren a g s v t n as usual with wh cash cah for or your yur raw furs f I s sheep pe ep ts s be beef f hides an and woo wool n i Fair pric prices s paid on all ll goods that a are re brought here herein in jn fine fine n. n n n J a na tl ti 1 ti Je J. 8 o Drew l DUChes u C e Utah tl P f fc P PI Pg g gJ tl Uintah Railway COI i i tE tEcc si sitE C cc PROMPT AND CAREFUL I ill W tb FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE g Si BETWEEN tl U I cl clin Mack Colorado and Vernal Utah Fort ort m in inin t in Duchesne uc esne Utah to an and Reservation Points I or 01 Connecting with the Denver Rio Grande R. R R. R at Mack Color Colorado do Route Rout a all shipments via via the Uintah in to R Railway W m elish eli ch h C Company sh h ve vetia e Merchant desiring to have their freight hauled by private teamsters should have their then shipments billed to Watso Watson Utah and they will wiil he be notified upon arrival at that point We Ve tia 13 a awill will be glad to handle shipment in this way in n info n. n 1 M. M 1 W. W C COOLEY General Manager MACK COLO fo foh o h It r de 0 Grants Grant's Store 1 a f and d Hotel ial e V a 1 Itc IH Eli General Merchandise Good Meals Clean Beds a an 1 n U U Jas Grant Duchesne uc esne t Utah of f l e 0 o Lynx Cats Coyotes and Grey V Wolves olves Skins wanted for Spot Cash 43 J. J B. B Drew Duchesne Utah Cruel Deception What caused the rift in the thc lute a first first class cook II I What did that nave to do do with it Shed She d peen Deon making him think aU all along that tuat she couldn't boil boit water Farm Balance Wheel Dairying is a a. balance wheel in farm tarm Jq Jag I ITh Th The Duchesne Du h s Lumb Lumber r Co wouldn't be handling the U Unit Unit-o t 0 o oed ed States Cream Separator it not a good one is Ia I Notice their attractive ad this week The makeup of thel United States Cream Separator e advertisements this year i is s su sup SUe e e p in keeping with both reliable firm who handles the theor ar goods and the superior quality 01 of t the article itself It t to 0 o 0 ai Ji Take your produce to c ca Co I and receive in exchange a tb Adv U tl t TABLES FOR RENT Card tables and chairs for rent id d r r rt Uintah Furniture Company rai ai Small house and lot to trade for Cor S a g small team Inquire of orBert Bert Wyman J Duchesne Duchesne Utah i o o. t I Go to Grants Grant's store storo for groceries and save money Adv si sli ti Ht T |