Show Pay Your BiRDs s By Check A ch checking account in our bank ranks with free mail delivery and the telephone It saves you many a long trip and you alls all- all ways s have the right change Your money is always always' available payable on demand No expense expense we we supply check b books free pass books and necessary stationary Roosevelt Banki Banking g Company ROOSEVELT UTAH Four per cent paid on time deposits Fire in insurance urance that insures Money sent to Jo all parts of the world orld LIVERY Liny F FEED AND SALE SiE STABLE Hay an and Grain rain Delivered a were o an any Place ace i hi Du uC he esne n nf f F. F EA A JOHNSON PROPRIETOR J It t is the Pra Practical Feature o S 'S Of Of Our Plan an I j J f for r accumulating accumulating small email sums sum y into a lump sum that make its ts appeal i. i is so s' s BO i strong for earnest men who want ant to get ahead he d. d I 4 fF r Wh When th those se who give thoughtful in investigation to the 1 fr frit it it i isn't it worth your while to i investigate and learn its ite advantages f THE MYTON STATE BANK The Bank of Safety and Service B. B L. L DART Cashier J. J o Jensen Co r r Abstractors 0 i Duc Duchesne esne Ut Utah Utah a. a H Heber Q r lf Utah lh v J 3 v r 7 t v Abstracts furnished for or D Duchesne uc esne an anH 1 I Wasatch Counties f l r I J HARNESS ANO SHOE REPAIR SHOP All work left with me given i immediate mediate attention Leather and nd f full line of 4 4 it J f Harness aan Extras Extra Kept o on Hand and a r r t- t P 4 A Stitch in Time Saves Nine 1 1 t i rl t J E E. E A A. Allred Alired d Proprietor N Next ext door t to J Jensen ens 1 Abstract Company r 1 Y 4 MARES For Sale One Span 2700 lb Ibs S. S I On One Span pa 2290 2200 Ib lbs Ibs Terms Term to o Reliable el able Parties T. T W. W SWEATMAN Duchesne i Jt J i i 1 I Black more inar mare branded open OIJen ho box dot doton doton o on l left ft thigh V Weighs about about nine hundred pounds blind in one ono eye dye ye has 1135 halter on Take up and notify S. S G G. G Sherman Myton ryton Utah Reward Re- Re Re Re- ward 2 t 2 t tI tr 0 I t-e t r Lubricating U Oils Greases aso ene T Tokheim kheim Storage Tan Tanks s sand and Pumps The e u mess Co So West Temple Salt Lake City Roosevelt Auto Co distributors of Dodge Bros Dros automobiles gasoline etc Roosevelt lt Utah A Adv v. v t tf I II If y you u w want nt B Boys YS Hats Hats go go to H D. D r 0 II Finest lin line of Gloves o at H 8 D. D I II If you want a Necktie 0 0 go to H D D. D I Standard brands of groceries at reasonable prices at Grants Grant's store Adv n 0 0 Eggs wanted at Gr Grants Grant's nt's store Adv 0 0 v- v Valuable bargains at Grants Grant's store Adv 0 0 e Have your eyes examined and glasses fit it by R. R I. I Mills 0 O. D. D Also watches and jewelry repaired Duchesne 0 o H D has the finest line of Mens Men's Hats 0 0 I If you want any kind of Gents Gent's clothing clothing cloth- cloth ing ng go to H D D. 4 1 a A rj I r rA rr r- r A u G mi r 11 l Lu m ma en a I I Come ome in and look over our samples You'll find something to please you The Ii Qt D Store s LOST One LOST One pair nose glasses with chain attached In neighborhood of Indian Spring Finder please notify this office once or Clarence Stevenson Price Utah Meals at all hours hous at Grants Grant's store I Adv o 0 oGo Go to Grants Grant's store for groceries and save mone money Adv 0 o 0 o- o v COMBINATION WIRE FENCE Combination fence all sizes both six and twelve inch stay also chick chicken tl fence and the famous Elwood fence steel gates etc WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY C C. C W. W M M. M Co Roosevelt 0 o NOTICE TO WATER VATER USERS Those who contemplate the use I of water from the system system now now Inthe in inthe the course of construction will confer confer confer con con- fer a favor and nd a convenience to th the builders and save an expense to themselves by designating the points at which they wish the main pipe tapped The tapping of the large after it is filled with water and covered up will entail quite an expense and will also mean the purchasing purchasing purchasing pur pur- chasing by the town of a costly machine ma ma- chine o 0 For Sale One team of bay horses weight about ag age 8 and 9 years Both horses sound and tru true One blue mare age ge 7 years broke to to work worle single or double One family cow S 8 years old will be fresh in De De- cember See D D. D. D Carter North My Myton ton Bench I f t 1 t 1 0 o 0 WARRANTS PAYABLE County Count Warrants drawn on the Salary Salar Fund registered on and pr prior or orto to September lOth 1915 with interest interest inter inter- est are arepa aie pa payable able at my office LULU HOOD County Treasurer o 0 o ADVERTISED LIST Western Vestern Irrigation company company com COUl- pany place of business Boneta Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- chesne county Utah There are delinquent upon the following des described stock in said company com com- pany lany on account of assessment No 13 th the several amounts set F Shelton Shelton- W Golley t Realty Company UWe u We Sell to Satisfy Both Parties ti Acres Price rice At Mountain Home Home acre partly improved farm fenced with four strand wire fence new two-roomed two house lo log barn 25 acres acres alfalfa raspberries strawberries gooseberry goose goose- VI berry bushes One and one half miles from town good goodwater 0 water right TERMS v 40 Acres Price P 40 40 acres adjoining town water in District No 2 Price Terms Duch 0 Duchesne esne Next Door to Postoffice FRANCIS FRANC S M. M SHELTON M MARK RK S. S WOOLLEY CY UNIVERSITY OF UTAH if f i iSalt Salt Lake City Utah Instruction begins Monday September I Registration of of- students and entrance examinations on Thursday J Friday Saturday September and Beautiful grounds fine buildings and equipment and specialists in all departments are AT YOUR SE SERVICE VICE i Courses are offered that prepare for almost any vocation in addition to giving a broad and liberal education-A education PREPARATION FOR A LIFE i AS WELL AS A LIVING i The credits of the University of Utah are accepted in full by the best Universities in the United States Full information sent upon request UNIVERSITY OF UTAH j 1 JR J. B 8 Drew is s Here as usual with cas cash for or your our ray raw furs sheep pelts beef hides an and woo Fair prices paid on all goods that are brought here in iO fine i B. B Drew Duchesne Utah ELECTION NOTICE Notice i is hereby given that an election election election elec elec- tion will be held in the Town of Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Duch Duch- esne Duchesne County State of Utah for the selection of a president t of the board of trustees and four trustees of said town on Tuesday the 2nd day Iday of or November 1915 at the the Town Hall in inI I said town Polls will be opened at the hour of 7 0 o'clock clock a. a m m. and remain open until the hour of 7 o'clock p pi p. p m. m of said day C. C I I. I DICKERSON Town Clerk o osite osite o- o site the n names mes of the tile respective share shareholders shareholders shareholders holders as follows Name No Shares Amt Ann Due P. P C C. C 80 2650 Ec Edward w rd Gardner Gardner r i 86 85 85 Wilford McConkie 1288 George Fisher 40 1213 J. J W. W Moffitt And in accord accordance nce with the bylaws of said company as many shares of each parcel of stock as may be necessary necessary necessary essary will be sold on the 2nd day of November 1915 at 3 o'clock p. p m. m at the home of R R. M. M Brandon Boneta Boneta Bo- Bo neta Duchesne County Utah to pay the he delinquent assessment together with the cost of advertising and expense expense expense ex ex- pense of sale R R. R M. M BRANDON Secretary 0 a I Beds at Grants Grant's C Adv dV WANTED The The fhe coyote skins cat in the wint winter r of 1915 91 full furred and in fine condition bing bring to Drews Drew's Fur House J J. J B. B Drew p o HORSES FOR SALE We have several horses for sale sale bar bar gains C. C W. W M. M Roosevelt 0 o 0 NOTICE I have in my possession the following described animal One sorrel weight about bout pounds branded J J O JOon 0 on left thigh Unless claimed by the owner and all damages done by said animal together with cost of feeding said animal while i in my Pos po possession s and cost of advertisement advertisement advertisement advertises advertise advertise- ment is paid the same will be sold at at public auction to the highest bidder for forcash for forcash cash at home in Duchesne Duchesne Duches Duches- ne county Utah on the day of October 1915 George M. M Averett 0 o NOTICE I have in my possession the follo following ing described animal One blue roan gelding gelding gelding geld geld- ing horse hors weight about 1000 pounds about 6 years old and branded AA on left hip Unless claimed by the owner before and all pam damages ages done by said animal with of said animal animal an an- together c cost st feeding imal while in my possession and cost f of advertisement are paid the same will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at my home in Duchesne Duc Duchesne esne county Utah on the day of October 1915 George M. M Averett o U Have you seen the oil stoves stove I at the Duchesne Lumber company company company com com- pany Adv 0 eJust o oJust e- e Just a little better than the theother theother theother other m makes the makes the DeLaval sep- sep For sale by the Duch Duchesne Trading Co Adv o Two to one you can find Jt t at Perrys Ask for it Adv U o Catch the flies poison the flies swat the flies Fly paper powder and swatters at Perry Perrys PerrY's s. s Adv 0 o- o Anything in in dry goods Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- chesne Trading Co Adv |