Show When William Villiam H. H Cran Cranes Crance e was younger and less discreet he lie had a vaulting ambition to play Hamlet So with his first profits he le ie organized his liis own company and went to an in inland inland inland in- in land western town to give vent to his ambition and try it on When he lie came back to New York Yorka a group of friends noticed that the actor appeared to be much down down- cast t e I matter ld tiers terl Crane t I they tey appreciate it asked one of his lis friends They didn't seem to laconically ly y answered the actor Well Vell didn't they give any encouragement encouragement encouragement en en- Didn't they ask sk you to o come before the curtain persisted persisted per- per isted the friend Ask me answered Crane Man they dared me Kansas me-Kansas Kansas Star |