Show Short Stories of the Week I Miss hiss r Merle Murdock is ia is Salt Lake attending summer school t 1 A. A M M. M Murdock returned from a n business trip to Provo and nd Salt Lake Sunday night President William H. H Smart was tran business at the county seat oat Monday Monda Mrs Paul Cluff duff and children came camo over Yel from Roosevelt last week and the family will reside here permanently permanently perman perman- in the Dan Powell house The Record was pleased to observe Sheriff Wilkins at the county seat during the week Mr and Mrs Wm Craver Graver were the guests the tho first of the week of ot Mr and Mrs M. M B B. B Pope The Auction Bridge club met with Mrs Hansen Hanson last Saturday The next meeting is at Mrs Stotts Miss Hazel DIckerson after a years year's visit at Stillwater Oklahoma returned return return- ed to Duchesne last week Senator Don B. B Colton of Vernal spent Tuesday afternoon in Duchesne He was on his way to Salt Lake Blackleg recently made its appearance appearance appearance appear appear- cattle ance among the Indian canyon and raisers have been vaccinating against it the past week Dr Gossett leaves Saturday for Cor the tile Pacific coast where he be will take a several months' months postgraduate medical course Gene Hamilton leaves within a few tew days das for Seattle Wash Vash It may be that he will decide to locate permanently permanently permanently perman perman- there Mr and Mrs Arlington Snow and Mr and Mrs Will Casper left last week for Provo where they will be this summer Game Warden Varden Pope and son Bon Fred returned Friday of ot last week from an Inspection trip through Wasatch and Summit counties Miss Delia Della Spratt was the guest of Miss l Afton Alton Pope over over Sunday Miss Spratt has been engaged as the Utahn teacher for next term The g gents gents' furnishing stock of Hart Dalgleish has begun to arrive and the he first to be received is on display at the firms firm's new store W. W W. W Willey Villey of Bountiful father of Mrs John T. T Pope died at a Salt SaIt I Lake hospital Thursday of last week after undergoing a slight operation Jay C C. C Jensen came in from Heber Sunday Mr Jensen will move his wife to Duchesne just as soon as he ashe he can call find or build a suitable residence Mr and Mrs Monte Young returned Monday night from a ten days days' visit In n Provo They drove one of the company com- com any pany automobiles from and back to Colton W. W L. L Dean returned the latter part of f last week from a several days' days visit In n Salt Lake In Zion he met his father ather Who was on his way to the Pacific coast Mr and Mrs Paul Billings left Thursday of last week for Park City From there they go to Salt Lake where Mrs Billings will join her father ather John S Dean and return with him to Topeka Attorney W W. S. S Willis of Heber arrived ar- ar I ar-I rived ived here Tuesday night He is the thel plaintiff and attorney in the case of Willis vs Jolly and informs the Record Record Record Rec Rec- ord that there is absolutely nothing to o the theory that the lawyer who pleads his own case has a fool for Cor a client The band dance Monday night was wasa a very sociable and well attended event Many of the visiting attorneys were present and the court Judge AB A. A B B 3 Morgan lorgan and Stenographer Monte Roberts danced early and often Anyone Anyone Anyone Any Any- one not having a good time was in bad luck A party in compliment to Superintendent Superintendent J. J A. A Washburn was given at atthe atthe atthe the Washburn residence Monday night Mr Washburn left Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednes Wednes- day morning for Salt Lake and rr from m there here will go either to Chicago or Berkely probably to the latter for a university summer course Mrs Fannie Medaris entertained complimentary to Mesdames Steele Steele- Perry and Hamilton Thursday afternoon afternoon afternoon after after- noon of last week at five hundred Prizes were won by Mrs M. M B. B Pope first Mrs Cowan second Mrs l Louise Dickerson free for all Prizes were awarded to each guest of ho- ho honor r. r Two unattached males from froni R Ros ioos- os- os Roosevelt evelt said to be engaged in the l legal gal profession and real estate busin business ss for something like ten minutes T Tues Tiles Tuesday es- es day night were deluded into the belief that they were out riding with two young ladies who in reality w were were re two young men in ladies' ladies attire They tumbled Humbled only when the pretenders pretend rs made no objection to being kissed M. M B. B Pope has this week been compiling compiling compiling com com- piling the report of the school school district dis- dis district district dis dis- for the past year The job has lias been seen been a difficult one one- owing to the fact that the Pioneer store fire destroyed all of the records A taxpayers' taxpayers meeting m meetIng meet meet- eting et- et Ing is called for the of July to hear the report when the books property property property prop prop- erty assets and liabilities will be passed to the new board of education n. n It has been County Clerk Mack hackies Mackie's es e's and Deputy Mrs Mackies Mackie's busy week In finishing up the business of last weeks week's meeting of the board of county commissioners getting ready for the opening of court acting as clerk of the court and clerk of the board of ot equalization has even made it ne necessary necessary essary es- es sary for Ed to learn of the league baseball scores by hearsay Attorney J J. J A. A Wilson of Vernal tells the Record that he expects to locate at the county seat some U time lle during this year It will probably be befall befall befall fall before he opens up his office Just before leaving Duchesne Wednesday Wednes Wednes- Wednesday day morning Mr Wilson received a telephone word that a Blackstone stu stu- student student dent had arrived at his household According Ac Ac- According Ac According cording to the attending physician both the young ma man and mother are re redoing doing well J. J L L. L Mahaffey one of the Records Record's oldest subscribers of Alexander Was was one of the jurors furors at this term Mr Mahaffey came to the reservation from Grand Junction with a Rec Record rd in his pocket a subscription to it having baving having hav hav- ing so favorably impressed him with the possibilities of the Uintah basin that he decided to locate here He e ehas has never regretted his decision decision- either coming to Utah's finest section or subscribing for the paper W W. R. R Evans of ot Boneta had business business business busi busi- ness before the board of oC equalization Tuesday Mr Evans formerly did truck gardening at Randlett and while there had the distinction of furnishing furnishing furnishing furnish furnish- ing the cantaloupes watermelons chickens butter and eggs for the table which supplied the tho governors governor's party when they visited the reservation reservation reserva reserva- tion during luring the official christening ol of the Myton 1 bridge Mr Evans still raises good things to eat on the Lake Lake- fork and says sas he much prefers the higher altitude LeRoy Dixon of Provo who with his brother John D. D owns a large acreage on the Purple bench was here Monday to meet with the board of equalization seeking a reduction of assessed valuations on their holdings holdings hold hold- ings and also to correct wrong descriptions de de- The Dixon brothers sire are r the owners of that tract of c country locally known as the Garden of Eden The land is so 50 absolutely lu ely worthless that it was purchased simply simply sim sim- ply because on account of oC its abruptness abruptness abrupt abrupt- ness It would save the expense o of building a fence on adjoining land lane and the Dixon brothers thought an assessment assessment assessment as as- at per acre acro was too high It was reduced to 10 Mr Dixon returned to Provo Wednesday morning J. J j k |