Show oHis o- o His Grievance Against the Doctor Dat new come white am a swinIe declared Brother Broth Droth er Fagg Dar I was wid a comper compe cation o 0 dat had been uh uh-hur- uh hur me to de grave for tor lo to dese many Wasn't able to do a stroke o 0 I work sah sab but was dess to set around continual and joy and hear people say Dars po Fagg Ah he Ah he aint long for tor din dis world And I wasn't needer twell I 1 went to dat new ticky ticky young doss dess college col college lege And what did he do Lemme tell you He up and cured me slick sUck and clean wid one little bottle o 0 med cine tine and now folks say Dad blame dat lazy Fagg Why dont don't he go to work Kansas a-Kansas Kansas City Star I |