Show a o- o TEACHERS TEACHERS' EXAMINATION I TEACHERS I Examinations for county teachers teachers' certificates will be held this year in inthe inthe inthe the various counties of the state under under under un un- der the directions of the county and district superintendents on Thursday Friday and Saturday June 3rd and and and on Thursday Friday a ant and nd Saturday July To be eligible to enter these examinations examinations examinations exam exam- an applicant must have acquired acquired acquired ac ac- ac- ac three years of successful teaching teaching teaching teach teach- ing experience or must have completed completed completed com com- a four years' years high school course in a school whose teachers meet the requirements for state certification o of high school teachers Persons entering entering entering enter enter- ing the examination without these qualifications qualifications' will not be granted An applicant who would be entitled tied to renewal of county certificate for the year 1915 16 by presenting six hours of college credits or pass exam examination examination in not more than three subjects subjects subjects sub sub- besides the educational book may upon special recommendation o ohis of his county or district superintendent be granted an extension of one year on his certificate by attending the fair at San FranciscoNo Francisco No uNo No other examinations or county certificates will be given during th the year These examinations will be given on the above dates at Duchesne Those desiring to teach will kindly take notice no no- tice and be present J J. J A A. A W County Superintendent nt |