Show CONTROL AN EMPIRE Lumber Barons Own Large Areas In Western States Washington Washington That four men hold 50 per cent of the timber in north central Idaho is among the specifics lions ions in uie te report vot of Commissioner of or Joseph E. E Davis to the president Utah is not nol specifically mentioned One th thousand usand six hundred and ninety four timber owners hold In fee over twentieth one of or the land area of the United States States States-an an area fifths the size of France France con con the report Two men hold 49 per cent of the timber i in III southwestern Washington the report says five live men hold 36 6 per cent celt in iii western Or Orgon gon six have 70 per cent in iu northeastern California Califor- Califor nia ten have more than halt half In the thc red wood area and in north central centra Idaho four holders have 50 per ver cent |