Show WRONG BREAKFAST Change Gave Rugged Health Many persons think that for tOL strength they must begin the da dar with a a. breakfast of ot mea meat and other othe heavy beavy foods roods This is a mistake a w anyone can easily discover for tor hi hImself him him- s self L I 1 IA I Is I's A AV W. W Va carpenters carpenter's may benefit others He writes f fI I used to be a very heavy brea break breakfast fast eater but finally caused me such distress I 1 became afraid to eat anything f 1 My wife suggested a trial of Grap Nuts and as I 1 had to eat something or starve stane I concluded to take t advice She fixed me up a dish an and I I remarked at the time that the Ity was all right but the quan quantity wa too small I small I wanted a 1 But she ahe said a small amount o j Nuts Grape went a long bong way and th thi I must eat It according to directions So I started In with Nuts Grape-Nuts and andl 1 cream two soft boiled eggs and crisp toast for breakfast II f I I cut out meats and a lot of other stuff sturt I had been used to eating aImy aI my life and was gratified to see that I was getting better right along i I concluded I had struck the right and stuck to it I had not only been bee eating Improper food but too much much- 1 I was working at the tho carpenter trade at that time and thought that tha unless I had a a. hearty breakfast It plenty of meat I would pla play SM Gt bo be foro tore feW revl days of dinner But after arter a a. my new breakfast I found I co codo could do ito more work felt better In ia everT Oi way and now I am not bothered wl wit Indigestion Name given by Co Batt j Creek Mid Mich Read Reed The Road to toVel Vel vile In Theres Thores a Reason I liver er r rend reed the above e letter r A- A Df J f no Joe appear uN from time tini to toiro lime l ire iro of 01 1 genuine true nod end lull ull t t |