Show J i- i r r t M Ase Ages called So-called marriageable ages g s vary varr countries In different ver Very ery widely idely in Austria a Do man and woman are supposed to be capable of at marrying and conducting a a. home of their own from the age of if r 14 In Germany tUo tto age must be bo at least 18 years Scars ears In In France the man must be 18 is and und the woman 14 14 and In Belgium the same In Spain the husband hubaud must have hae passed his fourteenth year ear and the woman her twelfth In Hungary for Roman Catholics the tho man must be 14 years ears and the tho woman 12 for Protestants Prot Proto Protestants the man must be 18 and tae te woman 15 In Greece the tho man must bo be at least 14 summers and the woman wo woman of 14 1 is man 12 In Portugal a boy considered marriageable and a woman wo woo woman wooman man of ot 12 In Russia and Saxony a youth must refrain from rom matrimony till he Is IS 18 years yeara and the woman until she eho Is 16 |