Show SANTAQUIN THE TILE fOURTH O I of or tho Natal I 1111 Special Correspondence Utah C Co July Ju 5 The people or of this town celebrated lade Inde Independence nd ence day d In n good style stI an elaborate ate If program pf gram was out Including a procession through II the principal U tI with oats on which wen weme drawn dran th or of Liberty M ny and Justice representatives of ol tINt the 13 original talf rn lf Sam and nd Colum olum Columbia bia bla on bors back buk also alao George an Martha and Itah follow followed ed fId by a it band bant of ot I After the procession the meeting waa w tilled with willi biren II II etc ers to the usual patriotic songs congi reading of Gf the Declaration I of In enc and to 10 the Ule oration by bythe bythe the lh orator of the tb day cia The Tb afternoon port were Wf eJ J Jt at t 1 I which kb Included mew roces for or both loth young and nd old a dance daises eta sail an l 1 baseball game pmt The day dy da e enjoy ended add with a II grand loll ball in Uia tho 01 evening No 10 accident happened happen to 10 mar marth marthe th the pleasure oC of time tile day dayMie Ia Mrs Mie 1 Annie AnnAt wife of tart earl A 1 Erickson of ot title this place was wag stricken ea with Ih a aft few days day ago fo CO ant ami an died at II U o a m tim yesterday MM She Ith was wu born boris In Sweden a little more mo than lh tt II years year ago laM October O Sh in Is sear sur survived tved by hem liei h hu hll husband band |