Show SAN FRANCISCO LOSSES Olio I I U mid as Si I Si Set I le Him S 1111 iti li I July Jul I The Call LII sayS tay ap u In uda Inda 5 da l the Olle hundred and nd RII si lx settle i m have han been tt hy I Bra Ars a i mp nl th that t In the bull huist nu n of ot San Sa Francis o more morr lh thaI u ii i will III be paid In to tire fire I Its en Cr on 00 the th fart face ace of or the m matte d don on 1 losses S that 1151 hac hC already c come m before The avarice erl f adjusted kiss loaa kissIn In the II l I Instance tl Is I 42 total being m m The n ha round value of lit lii properties li Ii I vets 11 at Jl JIO by b the th the reduction for earthquake damage ana ud anfor for tor all other In th the It I tt C These TheM fIgure n If are supplied by an entire entirely ly IT I competent authority lull The fun IU of u lW for lor pending and set iet tIm II I ii a an estimate upon the aver arr alP airi already noted The Till lot 10 committee appointed J up to date number im 1221 The I t Is based upon the multiplIcation of ot the average of mm by b t |