Show I CHARLES PAINE DEAD New York rork July Jul 6 Charles Paine died In Tenafly N J 1 on Per tor er the even year earI prior t tt tb hi hl death donth th he lit Will was general manager r of the Panama railroad 1141 Mr 11 Paine was born bon In New Hampshire In III UW He lii JI was wan flint ani con Mn conne ne d with the tho Vermont ermont Central and then with th Vermont fOrmont Canada Cada At AI Atthe Atthe the ac age of 1 U 31 he hf trap fill ui ul of ot the Michigan Southern anti and nd North Northern ern n Indiana tines line and rind was wac 1 made chief t endaMi In U 1 Right Eight hl year YN later Inlet he hewan wan Wail made general Central of the th lAke Shore I Michigan Southern He tie left It the we t to In take taice berg of c the Ih New Nfl York Vork ork AV Ht M A t Huff A 11 II and nd with it until auth ISM t rr he h went tn to Europe and studied l log Ing He lie wa was intent HI nd tic k e J I 1 of t f the lb Kite Erie for tM a year eat and for tor tic Ih tI wa we II second con J TIN rire pre Hent of e r a Phila Philadelphia Ih il delphia company owns gs pi around round In ISM I 1 he went to the th rAilroad Mr lr Paine wrote mat mar nor I I lee 18 on of If f which WP wie ie r et i 1811 and published aa K A t book bouk E F met menta of ot |