Show BUSINESS WOMEN j jA A Lunch Fit for a King An active and successful yowl yount lady tells her food experience Some years ago I suffered fron nervous prostration induced by br continuous continuous con COD brain strain and improper food added to a great grief I was ordered to give up my work wort as there was great danger of my mM mID failing me altogether My StO was In bad condition nervous dyspepsia dyspepsia sia I think now and when Grape Grape- Nuts Nuts' food was recommended to oe I J had no faith falth in It ft However I tried tiled improvement to- to it and soon there was a marked marled provement in my condition I had been troubled with faint faW spells and had bad used a stimulant to 10 revive me I found that by Nuts Grape at such times I was Wa relieved ie re- and suffered no bad effects effeCts' which was a great gain As to Dr Drother 1 other troubles troubles-n troubles nervous nervous prostration the Nuts Grape diet dyspepsia etc ou on on they soon disappeared I wish especially to call the attention atten atte attentIon tion Lion of ot office girls to the great b i r derived from the tine use of Grape 0 Grape is as a noon luncheon I was 1 tired of cheap Restaurants and the expert ar ary lunches and so made of Grap Gra ment of or taking a package Nuts then food with me and out at noon and getting a V worth rth of sw m to add add I to aj I I found jAr 1 this simple diSh fD It off oft with an apple peach orro I or a bunch of grapes made a n j for agreed TOW or a king icing and one that me roe perfectly m dl diel I Nuts Grape throve so on my that I 1 did not have to give up my nY w wat WOT tt at all aU and in the two years have bave I only four lost days charged up me Let me add acid that your In n the little book Road to ue are re in my opinion n invaluable c daily to women Name given Co Battle Creek Web Mich Read tiThe The Road to Wellville fj Theres a n Reason fEer f Eves Ever rend the above A Anc A- A e y 1 yno lne nc no from time to time flute timeo I It Ii u t C o c pr true nn and pud l full tull o ot of IDt nt rc t. t |