Show HAPPENINGS IN INn AND AND AROUND DUCHESNE DUCHES n By ByM 1 M. M r SMITH I Tem Temperature rose from 31 degrees degrees de dc- grees on Friday morning to 90 Up Monday londay afternoon l A precipitation precipitation tation of 04 I on Wednesday accompanied accompanied ac ac- companied by hy some thunder Never were there so many ninny good food things in the air locally as ns at present I say in the air advisedly But some of them are sure to materialize First improvements are soon to start starton on the road from Colton to Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- chesne An automobile firm whose name I have not learned is s to equip that road at once with machines for the summer travel ravel And if the road is put putI in n good condition there is no reason eason why it shou should ld not be kept op open olen n continuously Duchesne Du- Du DU 1 chesne is petitioning petitioning- the postoffice postoffice post- post I office department to have ha our mail nail carried over o er that route with sanguine hopes of success n tills This means the delivery of our nails mails fully one day earlier andin and andin in n some cases two Then word corner comes down that the U. U S. S reclamation reclamation re- re service wants men len and teams in the construction construction tion ion of the impounding dam damn at atthe atthe the ic east cn end of the great Stra Strawberry Straw Straw- w- w berry erry reservoir I have failed to learn earn the exact date late of commencement com com- or just when said is wanted but understand it will he within the next neat thirty days ays Then the steel brid bridge e isan is isan isn an n assured fact and ancI only awaits the ic recession of the high waters wat- wat waters ers rs which will occur early in July It is quite apparent that the Reservation is soon to have a high ligh school district Now who vho is s going to have haye he the high school chool Dont Don't all speak at atnee once nee thought though you ou all have hac a speak peak coming Clyde Stephens and famil now ow occupy the thc cot cot- ot- ot tage age David Timothy is now in inVernal inVernal inVernal Vernal submitting final proof art n hi his homestead on the Blue bench ench Frank Horricks and Clyde Stephens are his witness witness- es Cs s 4 OI Oliver OIe e C C. Steele one of Du Du- chest chesties chestie's es e's t first pioneers who lives ives with his family on art n his 1 s ranch three miles north of town own is very ill with bronchial and ml lung ung affection Dr Bjornson Bjorn- Bjorn son on son is in iii attendance Fred Ferrou Ferron superintendent of f the Raven Haven properties properties proper- proper ties ies returned from their mine minet at t Moffat l l Friday and went up to o look after developments o otheir on their group roup on the George e Smith an 1 1 family have lave moved up to the l Raven Kaven aveD mines to work for the summer Miss l Marguerite l Bench Bendt 9 ot Boneta was the guest of tIr and nd Mrs rr Wm H. H F Fitz t I durin during conference A. A M. M Murdock l and daughters daughters daughters daugh daugh- Hazel and Merle l and Oscar Oscar Os Os- car Kirkham arrived ed from Salt Sal Lake last Friday via vin Heber fIeber inan it itan in inan an automobile They were en route but fourteen hours countin counting count count- in lug ing mishaps The same machine machine machine ma ma- chine was driven to Colton returning returning returning re re- re- re turning in less than four hours Hazel I and Merle 1 are returning from attendance at the B. B Y 1 university and are arc home for forthe forthe forthe the summer A mass meeting was held at Commercial hall Monday Nonday evening evening evening even even- ing and arrangements made for a Fourth of July celebration celebration tion by y the appointment of the thc following committees Arrangements Arrangements Ar Ar- M. M M. M I. I Smith W W. C. C Perry Dan Powell Chas hns Dickerson G. G S. S Bowers Mes Mes- Firth and Medaris l Finance Finance Fi Fi- nance Wm m. m Fitzwater M. M L. L Mars ing Mesdames Crites and Dickerson Sports and Games G. G V V. Billings J. J A. A Fortie Wm Graver Craver Chas Barton Chas Mesdames l Louis Lou Lou- is Jasperson and Clyde Stephens Stephens Ste Sic Program H. H C. C Nichol Thos Thod Firth Jesse Vash Washburn burll Mesdames i Lewis vis and Nichol Vm Barton who filed on a tract in Luke Lake canon early in inthe inthe inthe the opening has made application application tion for final five year proof I 1 could write several colu columns ins about th the things I saw on orl my trip to Vernal last week going via Roosevelt and returning via vin Myton lyton Looking backward five hc years ears one is impressed that great strides have ye been made in sub subduing mother earth Especially Especially Especially Es Es- is this the cash case cas with Roosevelt That red sandy soil did not Bot at t once appeal to the unsophisticated eye But it seems seems s wonderful how like magis magic mag mag- ic is the man Iran with the hoe line has applied water to that red reel soil and pr produced the beautiful green fields of grain and fa Keep your eye on oil Roose Roose- velt It behooves es Myton lyton i and Duchesne to sit up and aim take notice of their rising rival for city honors and aud material im The third quarterly conference confer confer- ence nce of the Dud Duchesne stake of Zion L. L D. D S. S was held here I Saturday and Sunday with a large and enthusiastic tk attend attend- attendance i arice ance there helm being representatives tives ti from e every ward vard I A A h. h hunch of of volunteers o are arc arenow arenow now enga engager engaged in ret repairing the Dickerson dugway washout with the likelihood tl that travel can resume over th the ol t route oute fr th the first first of the week I |