Show Big Seed Crop Coming On I From information gathered by y the Record an e enormous crop of alfalfa seed is going to tobe tobe tobe be harvested on the Reservation Reservation Reserva Reserva- tion this year Conditions so those in a a position position position po po- to know kilow tell the paper I have been heen ideal for the production production production tion of seed seed A backward spring has made a n slow low growth anc and 1 the seed will surpass the expectations expectations ex ex- x- x I of the most san sari guine The Dry G Gulch section is coming to the front with a yield that will brin bring thousands upon thousands of dollars to that section In the Lak dork country a n. n splendid yield will be bel l harvested and the bottom lane land throughout the Reservation will add materially to the amount of seed Nearly every rancher on the Resen Reservation has hns prot profited ted by the experience of a few last year yea who got splendid returns from from fron small alfalfa patches and is using using using us us- ing every ery effort to reap the time rewards rewards re re- re wards of an i irrigated farm in iii inthe inthe the Uinta Vinta basin |