Show CHANCE FOR HOME MILLINERS Girl With Taste Should Do Well at This Occupation Occupation May May Lead to Higher Ventures Home millinery IB is a paying proposition tion for the girl who has bas a gift for or trimming hats bats Often Orten women who have learned the millinery trade open parlors parlors par par- lors in their own homes where they supply their friends friends' needs in head head- gear Frequently a girl has deve developed by practice and by studying styles shown in the newspapers magazines in the shops she la is able to apply In a practical way In helping women of small Incomes to do over their last season hats and to make up new ones A great d deal al depends depends' on the make up of oC the tb girl giri herself whether she Ia is goIng go go- Ing to succeed In her home moneymaking moneymaking money money- making ventures It generally holds good that the girl who has Ingenuity and grit enough to make a small in ln 1 dependent business pay would be successful In a larger venture |