Show Had to Come It had to come there come there was no way no-way way by which its advent might have been averted This wail in a Paris newspaper r did not refer to a great catastrophe but butto butto butto to the beauty spot the speck of at black plaster which worn on cheek or chin or both makes natural tints real or otherwise more ous The writer adds that when pannier skirts high heeled shoes and many puffs purls In tho the hair were fashionable the beauty be uty spot was ivan a n necessary accompaniment accompaniment accompaniment ac ac- ac- ac and that when the makers makers mak mak- ers of fashions consulted old prints this was found to he be so and a few wax heads beads in tho the show windows of at Uie he hairdressers d decorated orated with with the black spots did the rest The rhe fashion I was was' established or ratho rather revived NeV NeY York ork l |