Show tW r I Jewish Gate of Sam aria I f t One of the most Interesting and valuable discoveries so far recorded In Inthe the field of Biblical archaeology has been the recent unearthing at Samaria In northern Palestine of the palace of a Hebrew king believed to be the Ivory house of Ahab Vat els with Hebrew writing which seem to have been in actual use during the lifetime and perhaps In households of Omri and Ahab have also been found as well as fragments of pottery and other Inter Interesting esting remains It was in the palace here that Ahab dwelt with Queen Jezebel and where Naboth had Among the ruins many Inscriptions have been found containing Biblical names and there Is a frequent to a vineyard which Is believed may be the vineyard of Naboth This Is the first and only palace of a king ever found and accordingly regarded as unique and of the deepest interest to archaeologists The chow |