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Show BENNETT JOSIE TO ATTEND SPORTS EDUCATION EDU-CATION CLINIC Coach Bennett Josie of the Duchesne High School is one of 13 coaches from Utah chosen to participate in a four-state regional re-gional Lifetime Sports Education i Project Clinic at Albuquerque, New Mexico April 5-7. Persons from Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona will attend this clinic Expenses from Salt Lake City and the return re-turn trip to Utah will be paid for by funds from the Utah Lifetime Sports Clinic Pro j ecu Bill No on an from the American Ameri-can Association of Health, Physical Phy-sical Education and Recreation Lifetime Sports Education Project, Pro-ject, will conduct this clinic, along with outstanding national leaders. The clinic will deal with the instruction of large groups in golf, tennis and bowling. bowl-ing. The whole Lifetime Sports Education Project is aimed at better preparing teachers to include individual and dual sports in regular secondary school programs. Large group instruction instruc-tion is emphasized. Coach Josie will assist in the conducting of possibly seven re- gional workshops in Utah this year. DEBUTANTES TO LEAVE FOR IDAHO FALLS The Duchesne Debutantes will leave for the Marching Tournament in Idaho Falls Friday, March 25, at 9 p. m. All 29 girls will go along with ten parents. Mr. Rogers will also go in place of his wife who is at home with a new baby. He will take care of all the details there. The girls will stay at the Hotel Idaho Falls. There will be a parade Saturday morning at 9:30 a. m. There will be marching competition marching march-ing at one p. m. for ten minutes At each inarch there will be different judges. Saturday Sat-urday night will be the awarding award-ing of trophys. The Debs will leave Sunday morning coming tlirough Logan where they will stop at the University Campus to attend church at the new L. D. S. Institute. Anyone interested in going should contact Edith Marett. We wish the girls luck and success in the tournament. With their teaching and the great performances we have, seen, we know they will do the best. Good Luck Girls! ! ! DEchesme Hates 8th im State i :-l "$S St .:t; '. . UTAH CIVIC BALLET PERFORMS AT DUCHESNE I I.G.A. OPENS NEW BAKERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Gerald Wilkerson, manager of the I. G A. Store in Duchesne, announces the opening of a new bakery. Several items are on an extra -special this weekend and Gerald invites the public to come in and take advantage of these and many other grocery gro-cery specials. I "DIAL FOR LARRY" AUXILIARY PROJECT I !lDial for Larry" is a project I in which the Duchesne Unit I No. 22, The American Legion I Auxiliary will participate, I announces Mrs. Phyllis W. Day, I unit president. I This project is not one of I soft soap - it is one of deter-1 deter-1 gent soap - DIAL. One of the I servicemen in Vietnam has I written asking if it would be I possible to send him some hand I soap to help the Vietnamese I people in the jungle area I where he is stationed. He said I skin diseases and skin infections I run rampant and could be I miraculously controlled through I plain old soap-and-water I cleanliness. "Little children I with enormous pot bellies in-I in-I fested with worms would be I helped," states SFC Larry M. I Young, who has a San Francisco I APO address. 'Just washing I their hands with soap would I help them from re-infecting I themselves. " I Mrs. Maxine Bishop, nat-I nat-I ional security chairman, and I co-chairman of the education I and scholarship committee, I for the Utah Department, the I American Legion Auxiliary, I says if each Auxiliary member I in Utah would contribute one I bar of DIAL (germicide) soap, I the big supply will be shipped I to Larry. To collect the DIAL soap, I each member of the Duchesne I Unit No. 22 of the American I Legion Auxiliary is to bring a I bar for admittance to the I dinner-birthday, party of The I American Legion Saturday I night at Duchesne. REMINDER! j A reminder that the Duchesne Stake Gold and Green Ball I will be held at the new Alta- I mont Chapel Recreation Hall Saturday, March 26, at 8:30 j p. in. Theme of the decorations for the ball is "In An Old I Dutch Garden. " WOOL GROWERS ASSN. TO MEET TODAY The organizational meeting for a lamb and wool pool for the Duchesne County Wool Growers Assn. will be held in the Com mission Board Room at the courthouse Thursday at 8 p. m. Phillip Moon, president presi-dent of the association, has called this meeting, after a number of the wool growers of the county have indicated they want the pool formed. Russell Keetch, sheep and wool specialist, Utah State University, will attend this meeting, to which the public is invited. Marketing agreements for the pool are signed for a duration dura-tion of only one year, Mr. Moon said. Possibly more than 200 farmers and ranchers in the county are eligible to sign the agreement and participate partici-pate in the pool market advantages. advant-ages. At a meeting held a week ago at Mt. Home, those who attended the meeting were in favor of organization of the lamb and wool pool, Mr. Moon reported. DUCHESNE MOTOR CO. PURCHASES NEW HOLMES WRECKER The Duchesne Motor Co. brought a new eye-catcher to Duchesne last week when Dale Workman drove in a new Holmes Wrecker, mounted on a two-ton Chevrolet truck. This wrecker was purchased at Colorado Springs, Colorado, and is now in operation at the Duchesne Motor Co. This wrecker is equipped with many extra features not available on most wreckers. The public is invited to stop into the Duchesne Motor Co. and take a look at this fine new piece of equipment, anytime. THANKS A special thanks to the following firms for bringing the play-by-play basketball results over KVEL RADIO. Kolils Market Wilkerson I. G. A. Uintah Power G Light Co. FSI-Beeline Service Jensen Chevron Keiths Sport Shop Duchesne Motor Co. Cowans Cafe The Duchesne High School gymnasium was the scene of a program by the Utah Civic Ballet Bal-let under the direction of Dr. Willem Christ ens en, Artistic Director and professor of ballet at the University of Utah. Manager of the Utah Civic Ballet is Mr, Tom Carl in who is also director producer of the Park City Meladrama. This program was given to school students Monday afternoon after-noon and open to the public Monday night with a large crowd attending the spectacular performance. Visitors at this performance were Harold Lundstrom, music editor of the Deseret News and Jerry Silver, photographer for the Deseret News. Out of the nearly 40 dancers in the performance, six were students of the University of Utah and one dancer is attending attend-ing Olympics High School. A HALE HOLGATE, president presi-dent of the Duchesne County Waterusers Assn. , who will conduct the annual meeting Friday, at the courthouse in Duchesne. HALE HOLGATE TO CONDUCT WATER MEETING A. Hale Holgatc, president of the Duchesne County Water Users Assn. will conduct the annual meeting of this association associa-tion Friday, March 25, at the courthouse. All directors of the association are asked to attend a directors' meeting scheduled for 10 a.m. The election of officers will be an item of business for this director's direct-or's meeting. The public meeting will begin at 1 p. m. in the courtroom. court-room. Lynn Ludlow, manager of the Central Utah Convervancy District, will he featured speaker speak-er at ths public meeting. The Duchesne basketball team and boosters received a warm welcome last Saturday night as they returned to Duchesne after a few days of living basketball. A cheer went out that rocked the bus, as the team and student body rounded the bend on the west side of Duchesne Du-chesne to find the big "D" light up and a bon fire roaring to give them a warm welcome. The thrilled tournament goers gathered around the bon fire singing the school song and shouting cheers for the team and coach. Duchesne received a basketball bas-ketball as their 8th place honor after dropping a hard fought battle with Wasatch, with a score of 63-49. Ray Jensen was high scorer sco-rer for the Eagles with 16 points followed by Russell Cowan, 10; Roger Cowan, 9; Clinton Moon, 7; Mike Bleazard, 3; Stan Young, 2; Grant Earl, 2. Eddie Brown played in this game but did not score. Other players seeing action in this tournament were: Brent Bailey and Kenneth Farnsworth. To end this season we say congratulations Eagles for a job well done. We are looking forward to STATE again next year. FAREWELL TESTIMONIAL FOR ELDER DENNS FREEMAN SUNDAY A farewell testimonial will be held Sunday, March 27, at 12:30 p.m. at the Duchesne Second Ward Chapel (the Stake House) in honor of Elder Dennis Ray Freeman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Freeman, Free-man, prior to his departure for the Northwestern States Mission. Mis-sion. He will enter the mission mis-sion home April 11. Elder Freeman graduated from Duchesne High School in 1964 as valedictorian of his class. He held positions as Sophomore class president and seminary student body president. He attended the 1964 Utah Boys1 State and the Utah State University for one year on a scholarship, where his name appeared on the honor roll. Dennis was active in high school track, basketball, football, foot-ball, music, and speech. He is a four-year seminary student and attended institute classes at USU. I . ;; P4 Elder Dennis Freeman |