Show CELEBRATE l r th J The 4 With NEOLA N E OL A c Sports of All Kinds y Big Dance at Night PATRIOTIC PROGRAM 10 A. A M. M AFTERNOON PROGRAM INCLUDES SPORTS HORSE RACING NOVELTY RACES FOOT FOOTRACES RACES CLOWNS BRONC RIDING AND RODEO EVENTS Everybody Welcome Admission Adults Children r s. s i ff l r 2 I 1 f 1 4 tg i dr lol Jk r E EJ r J k r rr r r. r wi v 17 r l 1 I I thought t I knew k elf t all ail about automobiles f e A LOT of folks toUts have had their eyes construction It is backed hacked b hy by hyan 4 opened wide by a ride in hi a 1939 an experience of building far farFord Ford V- V V 8 didn't realize i They just dust more cars than tItan anybody else in inthe in how much more value and how the world sw Y many improvements weve we've put in inthis One ride in today's Ford Ford Ford- n this car the last few years with its smooth cylinder 8 engine r Today's advanced Ford is a stabilized chassis hydraulic product o of f progressive engineering engineer engineer- brakes will prove its it's the r r ing fine materials and honest modern car in in the low low price Trice field FORD I O It 18 EASY TO 70 BUY EASY r i See Your FORD De Dealer lel for lor Generous Trade-in Trade r lr I Ambulance m ua nee Service v ie For Sickness or Emergency I Our Special Nash as Sedan Ambulance enables us to give prompt efficient and comfortable com corn comfortable ambulance service any time at a moments moment's moments moment's moments moment's mo mo- mo- mo ments ment's notice for invalid or emergency transportation trans trans- p citation anywhere anytime CALL ROY A. A SCHON IAN IANThe The Uintah Basins Basin's Only Complete Mortuary Business Phone Residence Phone Duchesne Utah A Hint un rI-un f for or r Your our Enjoyment n o m en A tall sparkling glass of fine quality UINTA CLUB Beer served with your delicious salads or sandwiches Try it d dI I I Call your grocer now for fora r ra a case of Cans CallS or Bottles I 4 I 1 aD lA r I I B x a DISTRIBUTED BT an F. F W. W V. V CARROLl o VERNAL UTAH roe Becker Becker Brewing Brewing- Malting Co Evanston Wyoming 1 1 v I F FJ J 1 J t A Ail r. r rs 0 1 c C 1 tan il r IIII 1 p 1 I i 0 0 tJ 2 rl f fill I. I Jf J ill 11 a V i ii f I l' l i. vp VI v 9 a k ka 1 A. A 1 a Jw p Z BRONZ-Z-Z f II Z MEAN-Z-Z-Z g m Z MILE 1 e r FJ 1 1 a 87 Z Z lu F |