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Show Friday, June UINTAH BASIN RECORD, DUCHESNE, UTAH Two Die In Vernal CCC Local Happenings Truck Crash Mrs. M. D. Jones and Mrs. Vin-o- f cent Sumner of Price were Duchesne visitors Wednesday. Miss Marjorie Crocker, who has been vacationing in Arizona since the close of school, returned home Saturday. Her brother, Larry, W'ho has spent a week in Provo picking berries, accompanied Marjorie and their father, E. W. Crocker, to Duchesne. Mrs. R. M. Pope went to Provo E. W. Monday with her Crocker where she will visit for a few days. Mrs. Pope will spend some time with friends in Salt Lake City and then visit in Idaho before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Sheppard and family of Helper and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Milton of Soldier Summit spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Fouse. Miss Hazel Jensen returned to her work at Roosevelt after spending a few days in Salt Lake City and Duchesne visiting relatives. Miss Jensen was formerly contract manager for the Mtn, States Tel. & Tel here and was given a position on the Roosevelt exchange when Duchesne was transferred to the dial system. G. V. Billings, director of the state department of registration, was in Duchesne Wednesday transacting business and greeting old friends. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Miller are spending a few days at the home of Mrs. Millers parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pierson. The Millers will be at home In Salt Lake City after July 1, when Mr. Miller will begin his duties as manager (Continued From Page 1) there were no traffic fatalities re- corded in the county, nor none in 1939 until Thursday. Official Investigation Witnesses to the accident near Vernal said it occurred about two miles east cf the city, when the driver attempted to negotiate a curve. The enrollees were on authorized leave from the camp and were on their way to a swimming hole in Ashley creek, camp officials said. Officers said James Wheeler was dtiver of the truck. An army board of inquiry is conducting an investigation of the crash in addition to investigations conducted by state patrolmen and Uintah county officers, it was Uintah County Has Case Of Sleeping Sickness (Continued from Page 1) port is that there are only 3 cases of tularemia this week, as against one last week and 8 during the same week last year. Another interesting feature of the report is son-in-la- that there were no cases of Rocky Mountain spotted fever or diphtheria, whereas there were 4 cases of each last year and one case of each last week. Vacation time, Dr. Jones says, is the season of the year when we must be especially careful about the vector-born- e diseases, tularemia and Rocky Mountain spotted fever being the two most common in this locality. mu "TM TfriM- SEE US FOR FINE OFFICE SUPPLIES Dependable VACCINES and SUPPLIES FRANKLIN Calf Scour BACTERIN bacteria for A mixed s 4 Record Books Columnar Pads Receipt Books Pens and Inks Glue and Paste Fajtor Clips Thumb Tacks Company. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Dean of Topeka, Kansas, arrived in Duchesne this week for a visit with relatives and to take care of business affairs. Superintendent W. J. Bond, Clerk C. C. Mlckelson and Board Member Roy A Schonlan made a trip to Provo Monday on business in connection with the Tabiona gym project. Johnny Gerry spent a few days in Salt Lake City this week visiting friends. d District Attorney Stanley of Provo was in Duchesne Dun-for- Monday on business. Claude Wagstaff of Tabiona was a Duchesne business visitor Monday. Craig Harmston of Roosevelt was in Duchesne Monday on business. County Attorney George Stewart of Roosevelt was a Duchesne business visitor Monday. Mrs. Bessie Barton returned from Provo- this w'eek. She has been acting as cook and chaperone for the berry pickers who went from Duchesne. Ezra Burton of Roosevelt was in Duchesne Tuesday on business. Owen Gagon of the Uintah Power and Light Co. was in Duchesne Tuesday on company business. M. D. Close of Provo was looking after business interests In Duchesne Saturday. Mrs. Eleanor LaBronte of Salt Lake City is spending a week with and sister, Mr. her brother-in-laand Mrs. Ed Hart. Titus Jones, Emil Munz and Roy A. Schonian attended Masonic Lodge at Myton Monday evening. Conrad Hollenbeck is confined to his home this week with a bad sore throat. - Second Sheets Envelopes Also Stationery 5 quarts Texaco Motor Oil $1.25 Labor I Grease Job 6 Quarts Milk $1.00 in Merchandise 1 Finger Wave 2 50c Dinners 2 Gallon Beer $1.25 Labor Credit Lubrication Job OVINE MIXED BACTERIN. Distemper in HORSES Prevention and Treatment with AND ALL OTHER POULTRY AND VET- FRESH MILK When You Want It ERINARY PRODUCTS For Regular Daily Duchesne Drug Co. Deivery Call Lubrication Job 1 year Subscription to the Uintah Basin Record $1.50 Merchandise Lubrication Job i 1. All sponsors, their employees and theirs and their employees Immediate families are barred from winning any of the prizes. 2. Tickets on the drawing will be given with each 25c cadh purchase by all sponsoring business houses and professions. 3. All tickets will have a chance at the list of weekly prizes donated each week by sponsoring business houses. Tickets for these prizes will be drawn until the prizes are claimed by the lucky holder or his or her wife or husband who must be present at the drawing. Only one merchandise prize will be allowed to any one ANNOUCEMENT Individual each week. 4. All tickets, Including the winners of the weekly prizes will have a chance & J10.00 grand prize each week. If the holder of the first ticket drawn for the at grand or or his her wife or husband Is not present to claim the prize at the time of prize the all tickets and prizes will be drawing, for the following weeks drawing and the following weeks $10.00 will be kept added to the prize and so on until the prize is claimed. Tickets saved over from one week to another for the grand prize do not have a chance at the succeeding week's weekly prizes. 5. Drawings will be held each Saturday afternoon at 8 p. m. on Duchesnes main yHildfed Adding Who has had 5 years experience as a Nestle Operator at Salt Lake City, Bingham, Blackfoot and Pocatello, is now employed at NESTLE BEAUTY' SHOP 8iret, 6. Persons knowing that they will not be able to be present at any Saturday drawing may save their tickets, depositing them the next week or on a week when they know they will be able to attend the drawing Duchesne, Utah for Appointments Its Our Place Has Indisputably the best eating service to be had in Duchesne. Depend on us to exercise extreme care in handling your appetite. We Serve WHISKY SPRING Water PLAZA HOTEL & Fact A We Carry Atlas Tires With an Guarantee A-N- o. Also Air. and Mrs. Bob Cohorn, Managers Atlas Batteries $3.75-$4.25-$5.- These Warm Days Priced At Merchandise Drawing Home-Cooke- d Meals MISSION SERVICE AND CAFE Chester Lyman, Manager Duchesne, Utah THEATRE Bridge Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Carman entertained at bridge and dinner Thursday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Owen of Colorado Springs, who have been guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. George Kohl. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Kohl, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. George Tingley. Mrs. Owen expect to leave Friday for their home, accompanied by Miss Norma Kohl, who will visit In Colorado Springs for a few days. CLAUDETTE COLBERT and DON AMECHE in MIDNIGHT Wednesday Thursday June 28 and 29 SALLY EILERS and ALLEN LANE Th in THEY MADE HER A SPY Forest Ranger - SHOP !! AND SAVE AT .110 ML Duchesne, Utah erf em -- spe isn een aik Warns Of Fire Hazards :,ised Til .all (Continued From Page 1) ing for those who like to fish and scenery for those who care to paint and take pictures. One of the more important resources of the forests is timber from whioh we get lumber to build homes, wood for fuel and countless other uses. You who enjoy the forests should be mindful of these resources and prevent the destruction of such by forest fires, do not allow a fire to get started by being careless with matches, cigarettes and cigars and above all, do not leave your camp fire until it is dead out. With your cooperation in the prevention of forest fires the resources may be enjoyed and a livelihood obtained. If your pal or neighbor Is careless with fires, it is your duty to caution him to be careful with fire. Heavy penalties are imposed on those who set or cause to be set any fires in the woods and the leaving of a camp fire before it (Too Late for Last Week) Mrs. Bert Coleman of Heber and Miss Venice Nellson of Pioche, Nevada, were visiting relatives and friends here Monday. Mrs. Swansen of Salt Lake City has spent the week here with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hancock of Park City are spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Clayburn. Mrs. Orsen Nellson was a Duchesne visitor Saturday. aei oun' id I ucfc Jy tas un -- at i30U iliol Ja fl1 aw n I TM! JULY 4th :rav Bridgeland Ball Park at Program Starts II Program and an e a. m. rjn j N j&Ci sin Ballgame Horse Races Novelty Races j . mai else i pro Childrens Sports Big Prizes for all Events ao Admission 10c and 25c Ri abc Pi H EVERVONE 1 1 Ktt SPECIALS SATURDAY JUNE MM 24th - as la tfc Beef Shoulder Roast, pound Cheese, . Loaf Miracle Whip Salad Dressing, quart Dill Pickles, 22 Tin ,1 5c 79c 35c 15c Super Suds, Blue package, ..19c Jello or Royal Dessert ......5 c Headquarters for McCormick Deering Repairs DUCHESNE Products Clean COZY UTAH 75 Call for your free tickets on Cash and N Belief of the Ancients Carl Winterrose was host to a The ancients believed all bodies evefriends his of Sunday group to be of four elements i'olu ning at the home of his mother, earth, composed air, Are and water. Mrs. Jess Johnstun. Guests enjoying the delicious chicken supper included Miss Elsie Remund of Oil Salt Lake City, Miss Hanney and Miss Carol Clyde of Heber City, Misses Frances Case and Owena ill Young of Duchesne, Carl Hlcken Jack Blood and Dean Epperson of Saturday-Sunda- y Heber City and Harvey Hatch of Ic June 24 and 23 Duchesne. MAXWELLS.. All Standard Oil Utah CLIP THIS AD It is good for a free cup of coffee or any 5c drink anytime until July 1. Come in and get acquainted , 1 with prices to suit your Pocketbook CAFE See Our New Line of Ladies Sheer Dresses for Co E. S. WINSLOW Cooperative Observer. B. W. OToole. Chicken Supper By Helen Nellson READ THESE RULES: WILKINS BROS. DAIRY en- tertained at dinner Saturday eveAlning in honor cf Mr. and Mrs. Colorado of Owen Springs, fred who are spending a week at the Kohl home. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Carman and Mr. and Mrs. For week ending Jung 21 im Date Low p. High June 15 76 42 P. C. June 16 61 42 Clear June 17 58 43 Clear June 18 63 32 Cldy. June 19 65 35 CSdy. June 20 73 42 T. P. C. June 21 78 41 Clear BRIDGELAND Duchesne Sat. 3 p. m 251 f Visitors Honored Mr. and Mrs. George Kohl is extinquished. $1.50 Merchandise $1.50 Merchandise 75c Merchandise 2 Dinners 1-- FRANKLIN Equine Influent Mixed Bacteria. r Cash fln One or more of the following prizes: complications 152 Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess John3tqn, Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bateman of West Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Winterrose and daughter, Dora, of Heber City, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnstun and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Price. Mr. and Mrs. Smith also visited Mr. Smiths mother, Mrs. Luna Smith. Miss Dora Winterrose remained for a weeks visit with the John-stun- s. Also UINTAH BASIN RECORD Use FRANKLIN Duchesne evening. Advertising- Stressed Among several important resolutions adopted Saturday was one authorizing the district advertising committee to ask the next state Win $20.00 All Grades of Personal and associated rhone M Murdock entertained '(Continued From Page 1) at bridge Tuesday evening at her d program for discovering home. Guests included Mrs. A the truth, promoting freedom and J. Feller, Mrs. Grant Murdock, Nomina- Mrs. Jess Johnstun, Mrs. Alfred preserving democracy. tion of candidates for the district Owen, Mrs. George Kohl, Mr?. Ed governorships and 1940 convention Hart, Mrs. E. W. Crocker, Mrs. city were made, and committees Ernest Schonlan, Mrs. B. A Jacoby announced. The Duchesne Lions Mrs. O. A Halstead and Mrs. Roy were recognized through the ap- A (Schonlan. High score prize pointment of Secretary W. J. Bond was won. by Mrs. Hart. as chairman of the education com- Fathers Day Dinners mittee. Family dinners were held In various homes in Duchesne last SunTrip To Green Lakes of Fathers Day. Friday afternoon the Lions day In observance had boarded busses and took a trip to Mr. and Mrs. O. A Halstead and Mrs. Mr. Ralph as their guests, Green Lakes, 45 miles north of Vernal on the Manila highway, Halstead and Mrs. Blaine Foster. Guests at the A M. Murdock Here necrology services for depart ed Lion3 were held at the brink home included Mr. and Mrs. Cliff of the Green river gorge. Follow- Hanson and family of Springglen, Mrs. Grant Murdock and ing some 450 persons were served Mr. andand Mr. and Mrs. Wells family trout at an open air banquet while the Brigham city school band play- Murdock and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Johnstun and ed a concert. The Lions and visiMiss Dora Winterrose were suptors returned to Vernal after dark. at the home of Mr. and guests per Saturdays program included the Mrs. Roy A Schonian. election and general sessions in the Sunday Guests forenoon, the Utah luncheon at Mr. and Mrs. James Dalgleish of and noon, general departmental Myton and Mrs. Eleanor LaBronte sessions In the afternoon, and the were guests at the Ed Hart home governors banquet and ball In the Sunday. w in SHEEP 5c Bridge Mrs. A. legislature to create a department of advertising to be supported by an appropriation from the state general fund. If and when such is done by the state, the Lions club advertising committee would devote activities to properly representing the Utah Lions at the Contract Club international conventions. The Mrs. A J. Feller entertained her resolution pointed out that Utah would seek the international con- bridge club last Saturday afternoon with the following members vention in 1947. and guests present: Mrs. A M. Duchesne was well represented Murdock. Mrs. R. M. Pope, Mrs. MARRIAGE LICENSES at the convention Friday, but only Melvin Poulson, Mrs. O. A HalPresident F.. L. Maxwell and Vice stead, Mrs. Titus Jones, Mrs. Jess Ward Morris Johnson, 25, of President Leland Hair and their Johnstun Mrs. Ernest Schonand Hines, Oregon, and Edna Amy families were present to attend the ian. score prize was won by second day. These men brought Mrs. High Clayburn, 22, of Bridgeland. Murdock. Henry Fenn, 22, and Virginia back fine reports of the entire Miles, 21, both of Roosevelt. The Record Does Expert Printing Hemorrhagic Septicemia Hrtii' Society three-fol- preven- ... TIIE WEATHER Letterheads Typing Paper tion and treatment of white scours and its complicationsof pneumonia, etc. In 10 and 30 dose bottles. 10c per dose. n the Salt Lake Glass and Paint Heber Lion Is Elected District Governor At Vernal Convention 199 23, Clean Courteous Service Beer, Soft Drinks, Candy, Cigarettes and Tobacco Tables For Ladies |