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Show Mrs. Harold Gee spent Wednesday in Duchesne helping h?r aunt, Mrs. Fannie Shel.on celebrate her birthday anniversary. Elmer Curran and Rip Emry Bv Sirs. Ethel L. Curran Kiel Slane of Duchesne was the returnd from Argyle Wednesday guest of Mr and Mrs. Ft. E Emry Mrs. R. E. Emry, Mrs. Fred Sunday night. Curran Mrs. Ethel Curran spent Tues- Emry and Mrs. Elmer on Mrs. Probus were Mrs Lawrence callirg with day night Fouse Friday. Curran of Duchrsne. Mr. and Mrs. August Maas and Mr. Ruben D. Law, former Mrs, Pearl Mecham and daugh- Superintendent of Duchesne counter Bernice made a trip to Ro- ty schools was visiting the high osevelt Friday, where Miss Mec- school graduates of the communiham had d ntal woik done. ty, in the interests of the B. Y. Jack Emry spent Saturday U. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Ray Thomas are night at the M. K. Slane home in now located in their newly conDuchesne. Miss Viola Wardle is employed structed home. a1, the Wade Wilkins horn? in DuMr. and Mis Ed Gee and Mr chesne. and Mrs. Harold Gee have added Mr. and Mis. Harold Wimmer a new coat of paint to their houses. made a tup to Argyle Sunday. -- WHEN IN DUCHESNE STOP AT THE - LOG CABIN TOURIST CAMP MEALS - COLD DRINKS - DINNERS PRIVATE PARTIES A SPECIALTY DELINQUENT NOTICE Uteland Ditch Company Arcadia, Utah SOCIETY (Continued From Page 1) last Sunday at the Dinosaur Na- tional Monument. (Juilting Bw Mis O. A. Wilkins entertaitjed at a quilting JasL week. Two quilts were finished. Dinner was served to eighteen guests. isitors Mis Anme Jones Mulkay and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Laughton of Monteiey, California are guests this we k at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Titus Jones. Mr. Laughton is employed with the National Reemployment Service at Monterey and accompam.d Ernest Crocker to the Moon Lake Dam project Wednesday. Mrs. Belle Johnson of Salt Lake City has been a guest at the Jones home for the past three weeks. She expects to leave for her home next Monday. St. Pauls Guild Mrs. Chailes H. Selch was hostess to members of St. Paul's Episcopal Guild Wednesday afternoon. It was decided at the met ing that the organization would recess for the summer to resume activities next September. Present were Mesdames A. J. Feller, O. A. Halstead, Charlies Barton, R. M. Pope, A. M. Murdock and Ernest Schonian. OKA What Constitutes A Mrs. W. C. Gentry Mr and Mrs Paul Johnson of Mt. Emrnons were visiting friends in lol-.Saturday. W. H. Stone was a Roosevelt visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jensen spent 'the past week In Green River, Wyoming visiting their son Ralph and daughter Mis. Ed Bratke. They were accompanied by Mrs. A. A. Campbell and daughter, Bonnie of Salt Lake City. Ole Peteison of My ton was a business visitor in Ioka Friday. Bishop Webb and family spent the week end in Salt Lake City. Beulah Percival is visiting her brother, Guy in Provo. Floral Lemon of Duchesne is spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lem- Complete Mortuary Service a Believing that there are still many resi- dents of the Uintah Basin who are not fully aware of all the many services a modern Mortician performs, and that a clearer understanding beforehand will be helpful to those who may at any time require this service, it is my desire, in a series of advertisements under the above heading, to endeavor to answer the question as clearly and fully as possible. The Morticians service is a highly specialized and detailed professional service, reaching far beyond the mere sale of funeral merchandise, about which there should be nothing secretive or mysterious. If in this series of advertisements it will be possible to shed even partial light on what is now dark and unknown, I shall feel well re- on. Atthur Wiscombe of Roosevelt was transacting business in Ioka Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gentry and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gentry paid. weie visiting at the home of DeI solicit your interest in. the messages von Genry of Mjton Tuesday. Mrs William Faucett was and your comment upon them. Salt Lake visitor last week. Mrs. Vera Jensen and children of Peoa are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs John Lemon. Dr. and Mrs L. S Saunders The Uintah Basins Only Offering and daughters Kay and Elizabeth of Roosevelt were dinner guests COMPLETE MORTUARY SERVICE of M". and Mrs W. G. Gentry on Sunday. and Efficient Expert A number of Iokas young people sp nt Tuesday evemng with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Goodrich at Bluebell. Mis Goodrich was for Duchesne Day or Night merly Lois Benson of Ioka, a re NmmraBBHansi'KEaa cent bride. Roy Am Schonian NEW Ambulance I WILL Service oiirPLAif your engine assessment There is now due and delinquent, on account of an names oi levied May 13, 1937, the several amounts t opposite the the share holders as follows, plus advertising: Amount Snares 34 Margaret S. Murdock 10 00 30 Issac Sor.nsen 60 ' Otto Nielson DiAnd m accordance with law' and by order of the Board or nerectors so many shares of each parcel of stock as may be to pay the Deun cessary will be sold to the highest bidd r for cash1937 at 2 o clock p quency, advertising and cost of sale on July 13, m. at the office ot the Secretary, Arcadia, Utah. (Signed) THOS. M. GILBERT, Secretary and Treasurer. s-- LOCALS BLUEBELL Mis. Guy J. Hollenbeck has been; senously ill this week with bronchitis. By Miss Florence Murray T. M. Gilbert of Arcadia has Mr. and Mis. El vim Leonard been transacting business in Duand children of Price were visitchesne several days this week. of Mr. and Mrs Keith Clark and Ray Dixon of ing at the home D. Allred Saturday and SunH. Moon Lake were transacting business in Duchesne on Monday day. Mrs. Lutellus Burdick returned Mrs. Ed Wardle returned last week from Salt Lake City where home on Saturday after spendshe had medical attention. Her ing the past two weeks at Ferron health is somewhat improved, visiting with friends and relatives. she said Saturday. Mr. and Mrs J. Lee Usonbee, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Jacoby left two Lisonbee and Oran Bird Florence for a evening Thuisday weeks vacation in Idaho and the were visiting at Pleasant Valley Noithwest'. Bob Huish of Roose- on Sunday. velt will manage the drug store Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harmston and Miss Elda Goodrich of Roduring their absence. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Edjmiston osevelt were visiting at the home and Miss Alice Todd of Myton of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie B. Goodwere guests last Monday evemng rich on Sunday. at the home of Mrs. Nina BurgMr. and Mrs. Maurice Tullgren er. and two sons, Ronald and Paul Mrs. Nina Burger expects to of Salt Lake City ai rived Satleave Saturday for fyilt Lake urday to visit a few days with City where she will receive medi- Mrs. Tullgrens parents, Mr. and cal attention at St. Marks hos- Mrs. John Theming. who is Mr. Leland Goodrich pital. Mrs. Cecil Zorn will be in charge of the telephone office for working at the mine in Dragon, a month during Mrs. Burgers spent the week end with his famabsence. ily. He was driving a new Ford Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wimmer, V-Misses Phyllis and Dortha WimMiss Myrtle Allen of Pleasant mer spent Sunday in Argyle visit- Valley returned home Sunday afing Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bur- ter spending the past two weeks dick. with her sister, Mrs. Lee Lison-beMrs. Fred Gentry returned this we.k from California, where she Mrs. Otto Johnson entertained has been visiting for the past at a quilting at her home Wedmonth. nesday. A chicken dinner was Miss Gwenith Pierson and Miss served to the follow'ing guests: Faun Oman left Thursday for a Mrs. M. Verona Winkler, Mrs. vacation trip to Boulder Dam and Elizabeth Murray, Mrs. Martha California. They expect to be gone Smith, Mrs. Mina Goodrich, Mrs about two weeks. Dora Burdick and Mrs. Sylvia J. Cecil Alder, chief of the Salt Goodrich. Lake City weather bureau was m Mrs. Grace Brackenbury was a Duchesne last Fnday to inspect Duchesne visitor Monday. the weather apparatus at WinDarrell Burdick returned home slows. He reported it in fine Monday after spending the past shape and doing good work. two weeks at Duchesne at the Mr. and Mrs. J. Glenn Morrel home of his aunt, Mrs. Helen B were guests this week of Mrs. Hollenbeck. Morrels sister, Mrs. Donald PetMrs. Jennie Walker was a Duerson. Mr. Morrel has emjlloy-mechesne visitor Monday. at Moon Lake and left WedMr. Bruce Brackenbury was in nesday. Mrs. Morrel will be em- Duchesne on business Monday. ployed at the New Palace Cafe. Miss Virginia Lisonbee of Myton is spending a few days at CARD OF THANKS the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lisonbee. We take this opportunity to Mrs. H. D. Allred returnad express our appreciation for the home Saturday after - spending kind help and expressions of the paset two weeks in Price at sympathy of our fnends and the home of her daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin neighbors and members of the American Legion during the ill- Leonard. ness and at the time of death of Mrs. R. A. Murray, Mrs. Ralph our teloved son and brother. Their Woodard, Florence Murray and kindness wall always be remem- Arthur Allred were Roosevelt and bered with gratitude. Myton visitors Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Wedig and family. Claud Allred was in Roosevelt on business Saturday. Wheat Dangerous Cargo Mr. and Mrs. James Bird reWheat is considered one of the turned home Saturday from the most dangerous cargoes carried by L. Miles hospital where Mrs. ocean freighters, because it may Bird underwent an operation. shift and cause a heavy list, or, Mr. Bird has been staying there when wet, generate a gas that, in with her. the heat of the hold, is an Miss Gladys Murray was visitexplosive as deadly as dynamite. Wheat has at the home of Mr. and Mis ing caused many shipwrecks, among G. H. Holder of Myton from Tuesthem being that of the British ito Wednesday of last wtek. day steamer Antinoe, which sank in in 192G. Let us do jour job printing. AN ADDITIONAL SCHEDULE FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS DENVER-SAL- T The Direct Scenic Route Along U. S. Highway 40 Provides Convenient Connections with Transcontinental Blisses at Denver and Salt Lake City TWO BUSSES DAILY EAST OR WEST - EASTBOUND to Denver via Vernal, Craig, Berthoud Pass, Empire. Leave Kremmling, DUCHESNE 11:00 A. M. and 11:15 P. M. instead of 10:36 P. M. WESTBOUND to Salt Lake City via Heber Leave DUCHESNE 8:19 P. M. and 7:19 A. li instead of 7:40 A. M. - For Detailed Information Phone No. 31 A. J. (JERRY, Agent STANTON GARAGE Denver Salt Lake Pacific Stage Unit of 8, e. nt for FATHER SUNDAY, JUNE 20TH Here are a few suggestions, any one of which will make for him a very happy Fathers Day! FISHING TACKLEi & BILL FOLDS! STRAW HATS! FOUNTAIN PENS! SHIRTS and TIES! SUSPENDERS! SHOES and BELTS! SEE OUR NEW AND COMPLETE FATHERS DAY STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY! -- ::- HUNDREDS OF FINE AND APPROPRIATE GIFTS FROM WHICH TO SELECT AW U Jli nrf E3 son-in-la- P DUCHESNE, UTAH We feature EIJ& SISAL MSS the genuine Congoleum c And even quicker I can plainly state how it saves your oil and your engine to change to After I put in Conoco Germ Processed oil, which is the only oil that forms lets say you run a bit and then want to park a few minutes or maybe hours. But every drop of Germ Processed oil will not drain back down into your crankcase like an everydayoil. Instead of that, a definite amount of this oil is always left closely plated all over the pistons, cylinders, bearings and other parts, from the bottom clear to the top of your engine. Youd say that the oil is united for good, to every working surface. I dont know of anything that w ill make Oil Plating let go, no matter if you want to stop and start at every doorway, or make 500 miles a day across the mountains. Staying in place and not just splashing on and oil, cant leave the usual openings for friction and wear. Your smooth, engine w ill ce rtainly quiet, make you notice that, and of course, your own eyes will see Conoco Germ Processed oil staying up around full. r" "WM 1 (Li INTRODUCING the TAVERN Now Open To Business Fisher And Blue Ribbon Oil-Plati- cool-runnin- g CONOCO GERM PROCESSED OIL YZrT tfeta Jlckch' V, ON TAP AM) IN BOTTLES Duchesne's Newest Beer Bailor Imites You In - For - PLEASANT MOMENT OR EVENING REED COWAN Prop. We feature the famous Cold Seal I!uys dy genuine Congoleum because tie in lie' t u y are I lie in g wry best labor-sin a Jt lirst m Keniee. Iirst in beaut)! rugs 5 at Duchesne Hardivcrc Company Duchesnes Modern IIardwae Store i |