Show I JUANITA JUANIT By Mrs Airs Ethel L. L Curran A group of friends pleasantly surprised Miss Viola Wardle on her birthday anniversary last Friday evening at the home of her sister Mrs Harold Gee Those who enjoyed the evening and delicious delicious de de- licious lunch were Misses Dorthea Wimmer Rachel Thomas Bernice Bernic e Mecham Melba Curran and th the e guest of honor and Rip and nd Jack Emry Vennor and Sharon Shar Shar- on Mecham and Claud Curran Mr Harry Seaton arrived Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day to visit his parents Mr and Mrs William WilHam Seaton of Juanita Mrs M M. K K Slane spent Tuesday night visiting Mr and Mrs R R. R E. E Emry Ellsworth Claude Elmer an and Melba Curran and Rip and Jack Emry motored to Arcadia to spend the evening with Mrs Fred Emry |